Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for interviews

7 posts tagged “interviews”


Simon Willison interview: AI software still needs the human touch. Thomas Claburn interviewed me for The Register. We talked about AI training copyright, applications of AI for programming, AI security and a whole bunch of other topics.

# 27th January 2024, 10:08 pm / generative-ai, interviews, the-register, ai, llms


Talking Large Language Models with Rooftop Ruby

Visit Talking Large Language Models with Rooftop Ruby

I’m on the latest episode of the Rooftop Ruby podcast with Collin Donnell and Joel Drapper, talking all things LLM.

[... 15,489 words]

How prompt injection attacks hijack today’s top-end AI – and it’s really tough to fix. Thomas Claburn interviewed me about prompt injection for the Register. Lots of direct quotes from our phone call in here—we went pretty deep into why it’s such a difficult problem to address.

# 26th April 2023, 6:04 pm / interviews, prompt-engineering, prompt-injection, security, llms, ai, generative-ai

I talked about Bing and tried to explain language models on live TV!

Visit I talked about Bing and tried to explain language models on live TV!

Yesterday evening I was interviewed by Natasha Zouves on NewsNation, on live TV (over Zoom).

[... 1,697 words]


5 Questions for Simon Willison. I got interviewed about WildlifeNearYou for the Flickr code blog, in particular the way the site uses machine tags.

# 10th February 2010, 2:31 pm / interviews, flickr, wildlifenearyou


Four crowdsourcing lessons from the Guardian’s (spectacular) expenses-scandal experiment. Michael Andersen from the Nieman Journalism Lab interviewed me about the MP expenses crowdsourcing site.

# 24th June 2009, 3:31 pm / mpsexpences, guardian, interviews, crowdsourcing


FOWA pre-interview: Andrew Turner. I’ve started to post pre-interviews with speakers to the FOWA blog, in advance of the conference next week. First up is Andrew Turner of Mapufacture.

# 4th October 2008, 9:44 am / andrew-turner, fowa, interviews, mapufacture