11 posts tagged “domains”
Ask HN: What happens to “.io” TLD after UK gives back the Chagos Islands? This morning on the BBC: UK will give sovereignty of Chagos Islands to Mauritius. The Chagos Islands include the area that the UK calls the British Indian Ocean Territory. The .io ccTLD uses the ISO-3166 two-letter country code for that designation.
As the owner of datasette.io the question of what happens to that ccTLD is suddenly very relevant to me.
This Hacker News conversation has some useful information. It sounds like there's a very real possibility that .io
could be deleted after a few years notice - it's happened before, for ccTLDs such as .zr
for Zaire (which renamed to Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1997, with .zr
withdrawn in 2001) and .cs for Czechoslovakia, withdrawn in 1995.
Could .io
change status to the same kind of TLD as .museum
, unaffiliated with any particular geography? The convention is for two letter TLDs to exactly match ISO country codes, so that may not be an option.
Every remaining website using the .museum TLD (via) Jonty did a survey of every one of the 1,134 domains using the .museum TLD, which dates back to 2001 and is managed by The Museum Domain Management Association.
What is the best service for web hosting and buying a domain? Is it better to have both under one provider?
No, it’s not better to have both under the same provider. Good web hosts do not necessarily make good DNS hosts and vice versa.
[... 51 words]2012
Are there any disadvantages to using domain hacks for your product website?
If you ever get written up
In the mainstream press you can almost guarantee that they will screw up the URL they publish (by sticking a .com on the end or fixing a deliberate misspelling). Sadly this still seems to be the case after 20 years of the Web!
Is the .ly domain unsafe? Why?
It’s always been unsafe in my opinion. Why build your company around a domain name that’s controlled by the Libyan government?
[... 33 words]Why do so many Internet sites end with the letter ’r’ (but not ’er’)? Think about Tumblr, Dopplr, Migratr. What’s behind this?
We just launched a project called lanyrd, which is a play on lanyard. We partly picked the name because the domain was available, but there’s actually a big advantage to using a made-up word: it’s really easy to search for coverage and feedback on Twitter, Google Blogsearch and the like. The string “lanyrd” is almost exclusively used to discuss our project—had we used a dictionary word, tracking down feedback would have been a lot harder.
[... 105 words]2008
Dangers of remote Javascript. Perl.com got hit by a JavaScript porn redirect when the domain of one of their advertisers expired and was bought by a porn company. Nat Torkington suggests keeping track of the expiration dates on any third party domains that are serving JavaScript on your site.
UK domain registrar 123-Reg crashes and burns, taking its customers with it. I was hit by this yesterday: can anyone recommend an alternative DNS host with a really easy to use interface (I’ve made mistakes modifying DNS in the past) and rock-solid reliability?
Bust A Name. Smart Ajax powered domain search; you give it some words, it shows you available combinations. It’s still almost impossible to find something that doesn’t suck though.
FreeYourID.com. A free .name domain for 90 days, with built-in tools for managing e-mail forwarding and your OpenID. Could do with some unobtrusive JavaScript, but they’re really fast at responding to suggestions.
Tim Berners Lee (how many TLA celebrities is that now?): New Top Level Domains Considered Harmful. Read the whole thing—Tim blows the .xxx and .mobi proposals out of the water and takes a neat swipe at for-profit registrars in the process. Reading this, the main thing that struck me is how incredibly forward thinking TBL really is. People complain about the long duration of W3C processes and the futuristic nature of the semantic web but the W3C are trying to build technologies that will still be relevant ten or twenty years from now. When you consider the longevity of TCP/IP, this is a really smart strategy. It’s a shame so many people involved with the web have trouble thinking past the next few months.