9 posts tagged “discord”
Datasette Public Office Hours 31st Jan at 2pm Pacific. We're running another Datasette Public Office Hours session on Friday 31st January at 2pm Pacific (more timezones here). We'll be featuring demos from the community again - take a look at the videos of the six demos from our last session for an idea of what to expect.
If you have something you would like to show, please drop us a line! We still have room for a few more demos.
Datasette Public Office Hours Application. We are running another Datasette Public Office Hours event on Discord tomorrow (Friday 17th January 2025) at 2pm Pacific / 5pm Eastern / 10pm GMT / more timezones here.
The theme this time around is lightning talks - we're looking for 5-8 minute long talks from community members about projects they are working on or things they have built using the Datasette family of tools (which includes LLM and sqlite-utils as well).
If you have a demo you'd like to share, please let us know via this form.
I'm going to be demonstrating my recent work on the next generation of Datasette Enrichments.
This is a very friendly and supportive place where you are surrounded by peers - we all want to help each other succeed. The golden rule of this server is:
Don't ever try to impress anyone here with your knowledge! Instead try to impress folks here with your desire to learn, and desire to help others learn.
Datasette Public Office Hours, Friday Nov 8th at 2pm PT. Tomorrow afternoon (Friday 8th November) at 2pm PT we'll be hosting the first Datasette Public Office Hours - a livestream video session on Discord where Alex Garcia and myself will live code on some Datasette projects and hang out to chat about the project.
This is our first time trying this format. If it works out well I plan to turn it into a series.
Making a Discord bot with PHP (via) Building bots for Discord used to require a long-running process that stayed connected, but a more recent change introduced slash commands via webhooks, making it much easier to write a bot that is backed by a simple request/response HTTP endpoint. Stuart Langridge explores how to build these in PHP here, but the same pattern in Python should be quite straight-forward.
How Discord Stores Trillions of Messages (via) This is a really interesting case-study. Discord migrated from MongoDB to Cassandra back in 2016 to handle billions of messages. Today they’re handling trillions, and they completed a migration from Cassandra to Scylla, a Cassandra-like data store written in C++ (as opposed to Cassandra’s Java) to help avoid problems like GC pauses. In addition to being a really good scaling war story this has some interesting details about their increased usage of Rust. As a fan of request coalescing (which I’ve previously referred to as dogpile prevention) I particularly liked this bit:
“Our data services sit between the API and our ScyllaDB clusters. They contain roughly one gRPC endpoint per database query and intentionally contain no business logic. The big feature our data services provide is request coalescing. If multiple users are requesting the same row at the same time, we’ll only query the database once. The first user that makes a request causes a worker task to spin up in the service. Subsequent requests will check for the existence of that task and subscribe to it. That worker task will query the database and return the row to all subscribers.”
Discord History Tracker. Very interestingly shaped piece of software. You install and run a localhost web application on your own machine, then paste some JavaScript into the Discord Electron app’s DevTools console (ignoring the prominent messages there warning you not to paste anything into it). The JavaScript scrapes messages you can see in Discord and submits them back to that localhost application, which writes them to a SQLite database for you. It’s written in C# with ASP.NET Core, but complied executables are provided for Windows, macOS and Linux. I had to allow execution of four different unsigned binaries to get this working on my Mac.
Datasette Discord community (via) I started a Discord chat community for Datasette. 57 people have joined up already!
How Discord Stores Billions of Messages (via) Fascinating article from 2017 describing how Discord migrated their primary message store to Cassandra (from MongoDB, but I could easily see them making the same decision if they had started with PostgreSQL or MySQL). The trick with scalable NoSQL databases like Cassandra is that you need to have a very deep understanding of the kinds of queries you will need to answer—and Discord had exactly that. In the article they talk about their desire to eventually migrate to Scylla (a compatible Cassandra alternative written in C++)—in the Hacker News comments they confirm that in 2021 they are using Scylla for a few things but they still have their core messages in Cassandra.