Simon Willison’s Weblog

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7 posts tagged “cal-henderson”


PNGStore—Embedding compressed CSS & JavaScript in PNGs. Cal did some further analysis on the CSS/JS to PNG compression trick (including producing some interesting images of jQuery compressed using different image packing techniques) and found it to be slightly less effective than regular GZipping.

# 23rd August 2010, 9:47 am / cal-henderson, gzip, png, recovered


Understanding Bidirectional (BIDI) Text in Unicode. It turns out you need to sanitise user input to ensure there are no unicode characters that switch your site’s regular text to RTL.

# 15th March 2009, 4:37 am / unicode, security, bidi, filtering, userinput, cal-henderson


DjangoCon and PyCon UK

September is a big month for conferences. DjangoCon was a weekend ago in Mountain View (forcing me to miss both d.Construct and BarCamp Brighton), PyCon UK was this weekend in Birmingham, I’m writing this from @media Ajax and BarCamp London 5 is coming up over another weekend at the end of this month. As always, I’ve been posting details of upcoming talks and notes and materials from previous ones on my talks page.

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The web framework for ponies. At DjangoCon Cal Henderson suggested that Django should get a mascot with “magical powers”. Brian Veloso obliges.

# 9th September 2008, 11:59 pm / django, djangocon, cal-henderson, ponies, brian-veloso


The Web Application Scale of Stupidity goes from OGF (One Giant Function) to OOP (Object Oriented Programming), like this: OGF ——– sanity ——— OOP

Cal Henderson, paraphrased

# 2nd November 2007, 6:23 am / oop, onegiantfunction, objects, ogf, cal-henderson, peter-van-dijck, php, programming

Webistrano. Web based interface for managing Capistrano deployments. Cal recommends having a “deploy to live site” button in his book; this looks like an easy way to build that.

# 31st August 2007, 11:05 pm / webistrano, deployment, cal-henderson, capistrano

High Scalability (via) New blog about building scalable, reliable sites.

# 26th July 2007, 8:15 pm / cal-henderson, scaling, highscalability