5 posts tagged “bob-ippolito”
Drop ACID and think about data. I’ve been very impressed with the quality and speed with which the PyCon 2009 videos have been published. Here’s Bob Ippolito on distributed databases and key/value stores.
pytyrant. A pure-python client library for the Tokyo Tyrant binary protocol (used to access Tokyo Cabinet databases over a network). The library appears to be developed by Bob Ippolito and the team at Mochi Media.
simplejson 2.0.1. Python’s simplejson JSON library got a whole lot faster while I wasn’t looking.
mochiweb—another faster web server. Bob Ippolito’s latest project: a high performance Erlang web server.
Fortify JavaScript Hijacking FUD. Bob Ippolito points out the flaws in the recent widely disseminated JavaScript Hijacking paper. While the paper does miss some important details, it’s good that more people are now aware of the security implications involved in serving JSON up wrapped in an array.