Simon Willison’s Weblog


12 items tagged “37-signals”


MRSK. A new open source web application deployment tool from 37signals, developed to help migrate their Hey webmail app out of the cloud and onto their own managed hardware. The key feature is one that I care about deeply: it enables zero-downtime deploys by running all traffic through a Traefik reverse proxy in a way that allows requests to be paused while a new deployment is going out—so end users get a few seconds delay on their HTTP requests before being served by the replaced application.

# 29th April 2023, 11:54 pm / deployment, traefik, ops, 37-signals, zero-downtime


What are prominent examples for remote work besides 37Signals, Github and Automattic?

Canonical (the company behind Ubuntu) have a very impressive distributed team culture.

[... 30 words]


37signals Product Blog: We’ll be retiring our support of OpenID on May 1. The support costs far outweighed the benefits to customers, especially now that 37signals have their own single sign in mechanism that works across all of their products.

# 25th January 2011, 4:17 pm / 37-signals, openid, recovered


Phasing out support for IE 6 across all 37signals products on August 15, 2008. Interesting move considering BaseCamp is used for communicating with (often corporate) clients. It would be nice to see the browser stats behind the decision.

# 4th July 2008, 9:17 am / basecamp, 37-signals, ie6, browsersupport

BUG: XSS Security flaw in BaseCamp Messages (via) BaseCamp lets users include HTML and JavaScript in messages, on the basis that anyone with a BaseCamp account is a trusted party. I’m not convinced: you could use this to circumvent BaseCamp’s access control stuff and read messages you’re not meant to. On the flip side, you could also use this to add brand new features to BaseCamp by using JavaScript in a message as a server-side equivalent to Greasemonkey.

# 26th June 2008, 9:39 am / greasemonkey, basecamp, security, xss, 37-signals, javascript

How not to apply for a job. Quite reasonably, 37signals care if job applicants get their wordmark right. Having worked for Yahoo! I know how important that ! is. What really winds me up is companies that aren’t consistent with name capitalisation across their own sites—many startups are guilty of this.

# 17th June 2008, 8:22 am / 37-signals, spelling, jobs, wordmark, yahoo


OpenID support in Blinksale (via) Blinksale + Highrise + Basecamp means you can run your small business on OpenID.

# 10th July 2007, 7:45 am / openid, blinksale, highrise, basecamp, 37-signals, chris-messina

OpenID: Why, how, 37signals. 37signals just enabled OpenID on Basecamp as well as Highrise. This is their excellent attempt at explaining its benefits.

# 28th June 2007, 1:38 am / highrise, basecamp, openid, 37-signals

Highrise: Early stats, Cases for all, the new Solo plan, and more disk space! 9% of signups came in through OpenID, and they’ve opened up cases to everyone fixing my number one complaint about the service. Great job!

# 23rd March 2007, 1:44 am / openid, highise, 37-signals

Highrise. The new online contact manager from 37signals—exactly the tool I need for managing my freelancing, and it even accepts OpenID.

# 19th March 2007, 10:39 pm / highrise, 37-signals, openid

37 Signals’ next app Highrise will support OpenID. I can’t wait to see how the 37 Signals team deal with the UI challenges involved in supporting OpenID logins.

# 7th March 2007, 9:23 am / openid, 37-signals, highrise

2006 on Active Resource. Looks like 37 signals might be looking in to scaling across multiple servers using web services.

# 26th June 2006, 11:12 am / activeresource, scaling, 37-signals, rails