Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged javascript, nodejs

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The first four Val Town runtimes (via) Val Town solves one of my favourite technical problems: how to run untrusted code in a safe sandbox. They’re on their fourth iteration of this now, currently using a Node.js application that launches Deno sub-processes using the deno-vm npm package and runs code in those, taking advantage of the Deno sandboxing mechanism and terminating processes that take too long in order to protect against while(true) style attacks. # 8th February 2024, 6:38 pm

Deno 1.0. Deno is a new take on server-side JavaScript from a team lead by Ryan Dahl, who originally created Node.js. It’s built using Rust and crammed with fascinating ideas—like the ability to import code directly from a URL. # 13th May 2020, 11:38 pm

Carbon (via) Beautiful little tool that you can paste source code into to generate an image of that code with syntax highlighting applied, ready to be tweeted or shared anywhere that lets you share an image. Built in Node and next.js, with image generation handled client-side by the dom-to-image JavaScript library which loads HTML into a SVG foreignObject (sadly not yet supported by Safari) and uses that to populate a canvas and produce a PNG. # 19th October 2017, 6:31 pm

How does one decide which Javascript framework (e.g. Node, Backbone, Angular) to use on any given project?

If you are just learning JavaScript, I suggest trying to work without any frameworks or libraries at all. Starting with something like Angular will make it much harder for you to learn the core language and browser APIs.

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In simple terms, what is node.js?

It’s server-side programming, like PHP. The language you write the server-side code in is JavaScript (specifically the JavaScript version supported by Google’s V8 JavaScript engine, which was originally written for the Chrome web browser).

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Should a beginner to web development start out with Node.Js?

Maybe. One of the things I like about Node.js is that the raw abstraction it provides over HTTP is much closer to how the actual protocol works than the abstractions provided many of the more widely used frameworks such as PHP, Django or Rails. That might actually make it an effective learning tool—I’d be interested in hearing from some web developers who learnt Node.js as their first server-side technology.

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How do I choose between asynchronous web frameworks? My tech group is fairly language agnostic and we’re trying to standardize on some technologies.

Since they are all pretty close to each other and it sounds like your tech group’s skills would support any of them, I would suggest having your tram build a simple prototype in all three so you can compare them for your own particular team and situation.

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What are the design mistakes in the Meteor framework?

Treating the non-JavaScript case as unimportant.

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How do I get started with node.js?

You don’t run Node.js in a script tag on your website. Node is a technology for writing servers in JavaScript—you can think of it as a replacement/alternative for PHP, Python, Ruby, ASP.NET etc.

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Why is node.js so much faster?

There are two main reasons.

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How difficult is to to learn a language framework, like node.js?

The answer varies enormously depending on the language and the framework. Some frameworks are very easy to pick up, others are harder.

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Does Quora use node.js?

Quora use their own event-based Python web framework which they’ve talked about quite a bit, called LiveNode. I believe it’s based on Tornado, the open source Python evented framework/appserver that was open sourced by Facebook after they acquired FriendFeed.

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What companies are using Node.js in production in Texas?

There’s a list on this page:

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nodejitsu’s node-http-proxy (via) Exactly what I’ve been waiting for—a robust HTTP proxy library for Node that makes it trivial to proxy requests to a backend with custom proxy behaviour added in JavaScript. The example app adds an artificial delay to every request to simulate a slow connection, but other exciting potential use cases could include rate limiting, API key restriction, logging, load balancing, lint testing and more besides. # 28th July 2010, 11:34 pm

pdf.js. A JavaScript library for creating simple PDF files. Works (flakily) in your browser using a data:URI hack, but is also compatible with server-side JavaScript implementations such as Node.js. # 17th June 2010, 7:39 pm

Parsing file uploads at 500 mb/s with node.js. Handling file uploads is a real sweet spot for Node.js, especially now it has a high performance Buffer API for dealing with binary chunks of data. Felix Geisendörfer has released a new library called “formidable” which makes receiving file uploads (including HTML5 multiple uploads) easy, and uses some clever algorithmic tricks to dramatically speed up the processing of multipart data. # 2nd June 2010, 3:57 pm

A HTTP Proxy Server in 20 Lines of node.js. Proxying is definitely a sweet spot for Node.js. Peteris Krummins takes it a step further, adding host blacklists and an IP whitelist as configuration files and using Node’s watchFile method to automatically reload changes to them. # 28th April 2010, 1:24 pm

Step for Node.js. A further iteration on the attempts to make callback-based programming in Node.js easier to manage, this time making clever use of the ’this’ keyword to represent the next callback in the chain. # 13th April 2010, 11:02 am

webhook-relay. Another of my experiments with Node.js: webhook-relay is a self-contained queue and webhook request sending agent. Your application can POST to it specifying a webhook alert to be sent off, and webhook-relay will place that request in an in-memory queue and send it on its own time, avoiding the need for your main application server to block until the outgoing request has been processed. # 19th March 2010, 10:17 am

Node.js, redis, and resque (via) Paul Gross has been experimenting with Node.js proxies for allowing web applications to be upgraded without missing any requests. Here he places all incoming HTTP requests in a redis queue, then has his backend Rails servers consume requests from the queue and push the responses back on to a queue for Node to deliver. When the backend application is upgraded, requests remain in the queue and users see a few seconds of delay before their request is handled. It’s not production ready yet (POST requests aren’t handled, for example) but it’s a very interesting approach. # 28th February 2010, 11:02 pm

kriszyp’s node-promise. Another elegant approach to managing asynchronous flows in Node, including running things both in parallel and serial. # 28th February 2010, 3:50 pm

“Do” it fast! Tim Caswell’s Do library has been upgraded for compatibility with Node v0.1.30, and now has a clever Do.convert() method which wraps Node’s low-level APIs with the Do libraries “continuable” abstraction. # 22nd February 2010, 7:02 pm

node-v0.1.30 (via) A very significant new release of Node.js: the Twisted/Dojo-style Promise abstraction has been removed entirely, causing backwards incompatible changes to a bunch of core APIs. This means the pseudo-blocking Promise.wait() method is gone too, making it even harder to accidentally block your event loop. Instead, user-level libraries are encouraged to add Promise-style abstractions. I’m pleased to see Node sticking to the low-level stuff. # 22nd February 2010, 7 pm

do. A library for Node that adds a higher level abstraction for dealing with chained and parallel callbacks. # 17th February 2010, 5:43 pm

How To Node. New blog about Node.js, with a superb series of tutorials aimed at both experienced and new JavaScript developers. The stuff on managing callbacks (including running them in both series and parallel) is pretty eye-opening. # 17th February 2010, 5:42 pm

dogproxy. Another of my experiments with Node.js—this is a very simple HTTP proxy which addresses the dog pile effect (also known as the thundering herd) by watching out for multiple requests for a URL that is currently “in flight” and bundling them together. # 3rd February 2010, 1:05 pm

Hot Code Loading in Node.js. Blaine Cook’s patch for Node.js that enables Erlang-style hot code loading, so you can switch out your application logic without restarting the server or affecting existing requests. This could make deploying new versions of Node applications trivial. I’d love to see a Node hosting service that allows you to simply upload a script file and have it execute on the Web. # 31st January 2010, 1:57 pm