Simon Willison’s Weblog


Saturday, 3rd December 2011

Does Quora use node.js?

Quora use their own event-based Python web framework which they’ve talked about quite a bit, called LiveNode. I believe it’s based on Tornado, the open source Python evented framework/appserver that was open sourced by Facebook after they acquired FriendFeed.

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How do events get listed on Lanyrd?

We’re not automated—all of our events are added by our community. If we’re not listing your event yet, you can sign in with twitter and add it yourself (try )

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What is the typical time overhead in using an open source package vs. an equivalent commercial package?

It totally depends on the software in question. If you are moving to popular, well maintained open source packages (things like nginx, solr, MySQL) you can often expect a large improvement in developer productivity due to the increased amount of tutorials, forums, mailing lists, irc channels and stackoverflow/quora posts you’ll have access to.

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2011 » December
