Simon Willison’s Weblog


Blogmarks tagged ai, openai

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Fine-tuning GPT3.5-turbo based on 140k slack messages. Ross Lazerowitz spent $83.20 creating a fine-tuned GPT-3.5 turbo model based on 140,000 of his Slack messages (10,399,747 tokens), massaged into a JSONL file suitable for use with the OpenAI fine-tuning API.

Then he told the new model “write a 500 word blog post on prompt engineering”, and it replied “Sure, I shall work on that in the morning”. # 8th November 2023, 2:44 am

A Hackers’ Guide to Language Models. Jeremy Howard’s new 1.5 hour YouTube introduction to language models looks like a really useful place to catch up if you’re an experienced Python programmer looking to start experimenting with LLMs. He covers what they are and how they work, then shows how to build against the OpenAI API, build a Code Interpreter clone using OpenAI functions, run models from Hugging Face on your own machine (with NVIDIA cards or on a Mac) and finishes with a demo of fine-tuning a Llama 2 model to perform text-to-SQL using an open dataset. # 25th September 2023, 12:24 am

LLM 0.11. I released LLM 0.11 with support for the new gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct completion model from OpenAI.

The most interesting feature of completion models is the option to request “log probabilities” from them, where each token returned is accompanied by up to 5 alternatives that were considered, along with their scores. # 19th September 2023, 3:28 pm

An Iowa school district is using ChatGPT to decide which books to ban. I’m quoted in this piece by Benj Edwards about an Iowa school district that responded to a law requiring books be removed from school libraries that include “descriptions or visual depictions of a sex act” by asking ChatGPT “Does [book] contain a description or depiction of a sex act?”.

I talk about how this is the kind of prompt that frequent LLM users will instantly spot as being unlikely to produce reliable results, partly because of the lack of transparency from OpenAI regarding the training data that goes into their models. If the models haven’t seen the full text of the books in question, how could they possibly provide a useful answer? # 16th August 2023, 10:33 pm

Prompt injected OpenAI’s new Custom Instructions to see how it is implemented. ChatGPT added a new “custom instructions” feature today, which you can use to customize the system prompt used to control how it responds to you. swyx prompt-inject extracted the way it works:

“The user provided the following information about themselves. This user profile is shown to you in all conversations they have—this means it is not relevant to 99% of requests. Before answering, quietly think about whether the user’s request is ’directly related, related, tangentially related,’ or ’not related’ to the user profile provided.”

I’m surprised to see OpenAI using “quietly think about...” in a prompt like this—I wouldn’t have expected that language to be necessary. # 20th July 2023, 7:03 pm

Study claims ChatGPT is losing capability, but some experts aren’t convinced. Benj Edwards talks about the ongoing debate as to whether or not GPT-4 is getting weaker over time. I remain skeptical of those claims—I think it’s more likely that people are seeing more of the flaws now that the novelty has worn off.

I’m quoted in this piece: “Honestly, the lack of release notes and transparency may be the biggest story here. How are we meant to build dependable software on top of a platform that changes in completely undocumented and mysterious ways every few months?” # 20th July 2023, 12:22 am

What AI can do with a toolbox... Getting started with Code Interpreter. Ethan Mollick has been doing some very creative explorations of ChatGPT Code Interpreter over the past few months, and has tied a lot of them together into this useful introductory tutorial. # 12th July 2023, 8:57 pm

LLM 0.4. I released a major update to my LLM CLI tool today—version 0.4, which adds conversation mode and prompt templates so you can store and re-use interesting prompts, plus a whole bunch of other large and small improvements.

I also released 0.4.1 with some minor fixes and the ability to install the tool using Hombrew: brew install simonw/llm/llm # 17th June 2023, 10:58 pm

Example of OpenAI function calling API to extract data from LAPD newsroom articles (via) Fascinating code example from Kyle McDonald. The OpenAI functions mechanism is intended to drive custom function calls, but I hadn’t quite appreciated how useful it can be ignoring the function calls entirely. Kyle instead uses it to define a schema for data he wants to extract from a news article, then uses the gpt-3.5-turbo-0613 to get back that exact set of extracted data as JSON. # 14th June 2023, 8:57 pm

Emergency Pod: OpenAI’s new Functions API, 75% Price Drop, 4x Context Length (via) I participated in a Twitter Spaces conversation last night about the new OpenAI functions mechanism. The recording has now been turned into a Latent Space podcast, and swyx has accompanied the recording with a detailed write-up of the different topics we covered. # 14th June 2023, 7:23 pm

OpenAI: Function calling and other API updates. Huge set of announcements from OpenAI today. A bunch of price reductions, but the things that most excite me are the new gpt-3.5-turbo-16k model which offers a 16,000 token context limit (4x the existing 3.5 turbo model) at a price of $0.003 per 1K input tokens and $0.004 per 1K output tokens—1/10th the price of GPT-4 8k.

The other big new feature: functions! You can now send JSON schema defining one or more functions to GPT 3.5 and GPT-4—those models will then return a blob of JSON describing a function they want you to call (if they determine that one should be called). Your code executes the function and passes the results back to the model to continue the execution flow.

This is effectively an implementation of the ReAct pattern, with models that have been fine-tuned to execute it.

They acknowledge the risk of prompt injection (though not by name) in the post: “We are working to mitigate these and other risks. Developers can protect their applications by only consuming information from trusted tools and by including user confirmation steps before performing actions with real-world impact, such as sending an email, posting online, or making a purchase.” # 13th June 2023, 5:34 pm

simpleaichat (via) Max Woolf released his own Python package for building against the GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 APIs (and potentially other LLMs in the future).

It’s a very clean piece of API design with some useful additional features: there’s an AsyncAIChat subclass that works with Python asyncio, and the library includes a mechanism for registering custom functions that can then be called by the LLM as tools.

One trick I haven’t seen before: it uses a combination of max_tokens: 1 and a ChatGPT logit_bias to ensure that answers to one of its default prompts are restricted to just numerals between 0 and 9. This is described in the file. # 8th June 2023, 9:06 pm

Examples of weird GPT-4 behavior for the string “ davidjl”. GPT-4, when told to repeat or otherwise process the string “ davidjl” (note the leading space character), treats it as “jndl” or “jspb” or “JDL” instead. It turns out “ davidjl” has its own single token in the tokenizer: token ID 23282, presumably dating back to the GPT-2 days.

Riley Goodside refers to these as “glitch tokens”.

This token might refer to Reddit user davidjl123 who ranks top of the league for the old /r/counting subreddit, with 163,477 posts there which presumably ended up in older training data. # 8th June 2023, 9:29 am

ChatGPT Plugins Don’t Have PMF. Sam Altman was recently quoted (in a since unpublished blog post) noting that ChatGPT plugins have not yet demonstrated product market fit.

This matches my own usage patterns: I use the “browse” and “code interpreter” modes on a daily basis, but I’ve not found any of the third party developer plugins to stick for me yet.

I like Matt Rickard’s observation here: “Chat is not the right UX for plugins. If you know what you want to do, it’s often easier to just do a few clicks on the website. If you don’t, just a chat interface makes it hard to steer the model toward your goal.” # 8th June 2023, 4:59 am

Logan Kilpatrick (OpenAI). “The API does not just change without us telling you. The models are static there.”

That’s the official line on the ongoing questions concerning whether OpenAI’s models have been degrading in quality over the last few weeks and months.

Worth noting that this mentions the API but doesn’t mention ChatGPT itself, which I suspect gets model updates a lot more frequently than the models served through the API. # 5th June 2023, 3:49 pm

Let ChatGPT visit a website and have your email stolen. Johann Rehberger provides a screenshot of the first working proof of concept I’ve seen of a prompt injection attack against ChatGPT Plugins that demonstrates exfiltration of private data. He uses the WebPilot plugin to retrieve a web page containing an injection attack, which triggers the Zapier plugin to retrieve latest emails from Gmail, then exfiltrate the data by sending it to a URL with another WebPilot call.

Johann hasn’t shared the prompt injection attack itself, but the output from ChatGPT gives a good indication as to what happened:

“Now, let’s proceed to the next steps as per the instructions. First, I will find the latest email and summarize it in 20 words. Then, I will encode the result and append it to a specific URL, and finally, access and load the resulting URL.” # 19th May 2023, 3:34 pm

Language models can explain neurons in language models (via) Fascinating interactive paper by OpenAI, describing how they used GPT-4 to analyze the concepts tracked by individual neurons in their much older GPT-2 model. “We generated cluster labels by embedding each neuron explanation using the OpenAI Embeddings API, then clustering them and asking GPT-4 to label each cluster.” # 9th May 2023, 5:35 pm

GPT-3 token encoder and decoder. I built an Observable notebook with an interface to encode, decode and search through GPT-3 tokens, building on top of a notebook by EJ Fox and Ian Johnson. # 27th April 2023, 11:48 pm

Latest Twitter search results for “as an AI language model” (via) Searching for “as an AI language model” on Twitter reveals hundreds of bot accounts which are clearly being driven by GPT models and have been asked to generate content which occasionally trips the ethical guidelines trained into the OpenAI models.

If Twitter still had an affordable search API someone could do some incredible disinformation research on top of this, looking at which accounts are implicated, what kinds of things they are tweeting about, who they follow and retweet and so-on. # 17th April 2023, 2:28 pm

The Great Flowering: Why OpenAI is the new AWS and the New Kingmakers still matter (via) James Governor discusses the potential impact of AI-assisted productivity on the wider software engineering industry, and calls me “a bellwether”! # 13th April 2023, 7:20 pm

Closed AI Models Make Bad Baselines (via) The NLP academic research community are facing a tough challenge: the state-of-the-art in large language models, GPT-4, is entirely closed which means papers that compare it to other models lack replicability and credibility. “We make the case that as far as research and scientific publications are concerned, the “closed” models (as defined below) cannot be meaningfully studied, and they should not become a “universal baseline”, the way BERT was for some time widely considered to be.”

Anna Rogers proposes a new rule for this kind of research: “That which is not open and reasonably reproducible cannot be considered a requisite baseline.” # 3rd April 2023, 7:57 pm

ChatGPT plugins. ChatGPT is getting a plugins mechanism, which will allow developers to provide extra capabilities to ChatGPT, like looking up restaurants on OpenTable or fetching data from APIs. This feels like the kind of feature that could obsolete—or launch—a thousand startups. It also makes ChatGPT much more interesting as a general purpose tool, as opposed to something that only works as an interface to a language model. # 23rd March 2023, 8:56 pm

The Age of AI has begun. Bill Gates calls GPT-class large language models “the most important advance in technology since the graphical user interface”. His essay here focuses on the philanthropy angle, mostly from the point of view of AI applications in healthcare, education and concerns about keeping access to these new technologies as equitable as possible. # 21st March 2023, 9:14 pm

Prompt Engineering. Extremely detailed introduction to the field of prompt engineering by Lilian Weng, who leads applied research at OpenAI. # 21st March 2023, 5:12 pm

OpenAI to discontinue support for the Codex API (via) OpenAI shutting off access to their Codex model—a GPT3 variant fine-tuned for code related tasks, but that was being used for all sorts of other purposes—partly because it had been in a beta phase for over a year where OpenAI didn’t charge anything for it. This feels to me like a major strategic misstep for OpenAI: they’re only giving three days notice, which is shaking people’s confidence in them as a stable platform for building on at the very moment when competition from other vendors (and open source alternatives) is heating up. # 21st March 2023, 5:04 pm

The surprising ease and effectiveness of AI in a loop (via) Matt Webb on the langchain Python library and the ReAct design pattern, where you plug additional tools into a language model by teaching it to work in a “Thought... Act... Observation” loop where the Act specifies an action it wishes to take (like searching Wikipedia) and an extra layer of software than carries out that action and feeds back the result as the Observation. Matt points out that the ChatGPT 1/10th price drop makes this kind of model usage enormously more cost effective than it was before. # 17th March 2023, 12:04 am

GPT-4 Developer Livestream. 25 minutes of live demos from OpenAI co-founder Greg Brockman at the GPT-4 launch. These demos are all fascinating, including code writing and multimodal vision inputs. The one that really struck me is when Greg pasted in a copy of the tax code and asked GPT-4 to answer some sophisticated tax questions, involving step-by-step calculations that cited parts of the tax code it was working with. # 15th March 2023, 12:20 am

GPT-4 Technical Report (PDF). 98 pages of much more detailed information about GPT-4. The appendices are particularly interesting, including examples of advanced prompt engineering as well as examples of harmful outputs before and after tuning attempts to try and suppress them. # 14th March 2023, 9:39 pm

ChatGPT’s API is So Good and Cheap, It Makes Most Text Generating AI Obsolete (via) Max Woolf on the quite frankly weird economics of the ChatGPT API: it’s 1/10th the price of GPT-3 Da Vinci and appears to be equivalent (if not more) capable. “But it is very hard to economically justify not using ChatGPT as a starting point for a business need and migrating to a more bespoke infrastructure later as needed, and that’s what OpenAI is counting on. [...] I don’t envy startups whose primary business is text generation right now.” # 11th March 2023, 11:05 pm

OpenAI: Introducing ChatGPT and Whisper APIs. The ChatGPT API is a new model called “gpt-3.5-turbo” and is priced at 1/10th of the price of text-davinci-003, previously the most powerful GPT-3 model. Whisper (speech to text transcription) is now available via an API as well, priced at 36 cents per hour of audio. # 1st March 2023, 7:36 pm