Simon Willison’s Weblog


Entries tagged quora in Sep, 2013

Filters: Type: entry × Year: 2013 × Month: Sep × quora × Sorted by date

Which investors would consider a natural language processing startup in London?

I don’t know the answer, but I know how you can find it: track down as many London-based AI/machine learning/NLP startups as you can and look at who their investors are.

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What are some early examples of SaaS?

37 Signals’ Basecamp was one of the pioneers if modern SaaS back in 2004.

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What role does YC play in helping its portfolio companies hire early employees?

YC companies can post job advertisements on Hacker News (an ability that is not available to other companies). Other than that YC provide advice on hiring but they don’t take an active role in recruiting on behalf of companies.

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What are the conference/meet-ups on JavaScript that accept guest speakers?

We have a crowdsourced list of JavaScript events that are accepting speaker submissions here: JavaScript conference calls for participation

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What are some tips on scaling a startup once you get massive news coverage?

It’s pretty rare for press coverage to drive large amounts of traffic—even if you get stories on a bunch of big news site you’re very unlikely to see a traffic spike of more than 20-30 hits a second, which most reasonably well built web applications should be able to handle.

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When is a good day to hold a conference?

It depends on your audience.

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What is “Software-as-a-Service”?

Software which is hosted for you by the providing company, so you don’t need to install and manage it on your own servers.

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Why doesn’t Quora open-source its search interface?

See my answer to Simon Willison’s answer to How come Quora hasn’t contributed any significant open source tools?

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What is a good, simple SaaS tool for testing SOAP calls?

I doubt you’ll find one. The words “Simple” and “SOAP” don’t deserve to appear in the same sentence, and SOAP is massively unfashionable these days (for good reason) so you’re unlikely to find any modern SaaS companies developing tools for it.

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Is there a maximum number of records one can fetch with a MySQL query?

To my knowledge there is no upper limit—that’s why good database libraries provide abstractions that let you iterate over large queries without loading the entire result set in to memory at once.

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Are you less likely to be accepted to Y Combinator if you don’t know how to make money yet?

If you apply and say “we have no idea how we will make money” you are much less likely to be accepted than if you say “we’re not 100% sure how we will make money, but our initial thoughts are to try X”.

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What are the pro and cons of outsourcing the coding of an SaaS tool?

Pros: if you can afford it and are completely incapable of hiring an in-house development team, it will get a version of your software built.

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Y Combinator: I’m interested in how what the YC$ were spent on was impacted by whether you were from outside the Valley when you went thro the program or were local?

If you’re from outside the area you’ll spend a chunk of the money on rent (and maybe car rental). If you already live in or near Mountain View you won’t need to do that.

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What are those most annoying problems you experience while working on presentations?

Keynote crashing and losing all of my work.

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What systems/software are absolutely worth purchasing for a solidly funded e-commerce startup?

I’d use a small fraction of that budget for relevant SaaS subscriptions—things like or for user analytics, or for SEO reporting, or for building a custom dashboard.

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What is the best service for web hosting and buying a domain? Is it better to have both under one provider?

No, it’s not better to have both under the same provider. Good web hosts do not necessarily make good DNS hosts and vice versa.

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What is the real risk of pirating Microsoft software as a startup business vs an individual user?

I agree with David S. Rose—integrity matters. Look in to BizSpark.

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I have an idea for a conference. What do I need to do to make it happen?


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Should you start with planning the view, the model or the controller?

My preference is to start by designing the URLs, then roughing out the first version of the database models. Everything else tends to evolve from there.

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How does a career progresses for a web developer?

A web developer is a software developer, so you should look in to how software development careers work.

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Other than CL, Yelp and Eventbrite, what are some good online event calendars to post to?

Make sure you are listed on—and don’t forget to add you event’s speakers and tag it with the relevant topics (e.g. )

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Event Planning: What are some useful books and resources on professional events and conference planning? is fantastic. It focuses on running small tech conferences, but there’s plenty of advice in there that applies to all sizes of event.

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What can startups do on big data day one?

Log everything, and then forget about it. That way you’ll have data you can analyse later on, but aside from setting up logging and log storage you won’t waste any time messing around with Big Data when you haven’t yet found product-market fit.

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What are some good open source projects that VMware is directly part of?

To my knowledge they fund almost all of the development work on RabbitMQ, Redis and the Spring Java framework.

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What are some techniques, workflows, thought-processes etc. you would do as an experienced web-developer (front-end/back-end) that a new web developer might benefit from?

Learn the Chrome Developer Tools inside out, and live in them—especially the interactive JavaScript console, which can be a huge boon to your productivity.

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How come Quora hasn’t contributed any significant open source tools?

Releasing open source software is a lot of work. You need to extract it from your own proprietary systems, clean it up, document it, release it and them deal with support queries, incoming bug fixes, suggestions and feature requests.

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Event Planning: What can I do to protect myself from a keynote speaker not showing up?

My hunch is that if a keynote speaker doesn’t show up it won’t be for financial reasons—and they wouldn’t expect their fee to be paid. Much more likely it would be a family emergency or unexpected travel problem.

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How do I become a global nomad as a software engineer?

Go freelance, start working on projects and build up a reputation as an excellent engineer who gets high quality work done on time. Build up a large roster of satisfied clients who wish to work with you in the future, and know how to successfully work with you via email and video conferencing. Now pack your laptop and head off around the world.

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How can I sell an idea to investors?

At minimum: build a prototype. If you really want then to take seriously, launch a first version and demonstrate traction.

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What are key considerations when building behind the firewall web apps?

CSRF and XSS are still important: don’t leave any security vulnerabilities which might allow an evil website out on the internet to run JavaScript that steals data from your behind-the-firewall web application.

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