Simon Willison’s Weblog


Saturday, 12th October 2024

Cabel Sasser at XOXO (via) I cannot recommend this talk highly enough for the way it ends. After watching the video dive into this new site that accompanies the talk - an online archive of the works of commercial artist Wes Cook. I too would very much love to see a full scan of The Lost McDonalds Satire Triptych.

# 12:21 am / cabel-sasser

Frankenstein is a terrific book partly based on how concerned people were about electricity. It captures our fears about the nature of being human but didn’t help anyone really come up with better policies for dealing with electricity. I worry that a lot of AI critics are doing the same thing.

James Cham

# 5:18 am / ai

Carl Hewitt recently remarked that the question what is an agent? is embarrassing for the agent-based computing community in just the same way that the question what is intelligence? is embarrassing for the mainstream AI community. The problem is that although the term is widely used, by many people working in closely related areas, it defies attempts to produce a single universally accepted definition. This need not necessarily be a problem: after all, if many people are successfully developing interesting and useful applications, then it hardly matters that they do not agree on potentially trivial terminological details. However, there is also the danger that unless the issue is discussed, 'agent' might become a 'noise' term, subject to both abuse and misuse, to the potential confusion of the research community.

Michael Wooldridge, in 1994, Intelligent Agents: Theory and Practice

# 12:29 pm / ai, ai-agents

Python 3.13’s best new features (via) Trey Hunner highlights some Python 3.13 usability improvements I had missed, mainly around the new REPL.

Pasting a block of code like a class or function that includes blank lines no longer breaks in the REPL - particularly useful if you frequently have LLMs write code for you to try out.

Hitting F2 in the REPL toggles "history mode" which gives you your Python code without the REPL's >>> and ... prefixes - great for copying code back out again.

Creating a virtual environment with python3.13 -m venv .venv now adds a .venv/.gitignore file containing * so you don't need to explicitly ignore that directory. I just checked and it looks like uv venv implements the same trick.

And my favourite:

Historically, any line in the Python debugger prompt that started with a PDB command would usually trigger the PDB command, instead of PDB interpreting the line as Python code. [...]

But now, if the command looks like Python code, pdb will run it as Python code!

Which means I can finally call list(iterable) in my pdb seesions, where previously I've had to use [i for i in iterable] instead.

(Tip from Trey: !list(iterable) and [*iterable] are good alternatives for pre-Python 3.13.)

Trey's post is also available as a YouTube video.

# 4:30 pm / python, trey-hunner

Perks of Being a Python Core Developer (via) Mariatta Wijaya provides a detailed breakdown of the exact capabilities and privileges that are granted to Python core developers - including commit access to the Python main, the ability to write or sponsor PEPs, the ability to vote on new core developers and for the steering council election and financial support from the PSF for travel expenses related to PyCon and core development sprints.

Not to be under-estimated is that you also gain respect:

Everyone’s always looking for ways to stand out in resumes, right? So do I. I’ve been an engineer for longer than I’ve been a core developer, and I do notice that having the extra title like open source maintainer and public speaker really make a difference. As a woman, as someone with foreign last name that nobody knows how to pronounce, as someone who looks foreign, and speaks in a foreign accent, having these extra “credentials” helped me be seen as more or less equal compared to other people.

# 4:34 pm / open-source, python, psf

jefftriplett/django-startproject (via) Django's django-admin startproject and startapp commands include a --template option which can be used to specify an alternative template for generating the initial code.

Jeff Triplett actively maintains his own template for new projects, which includes the pattern that I personally prefer of keeping settings and URLs in a config/ folder. It also configures the development environment to run using Docker Compose.

The latest update adds support for Python 3.13, Django 5.1 and uv. It's neat how you can get started without even installing Django using uv run like this:

uv run --with=django django-admin startproject \
  --extension=ini,py,toml,yaml,yml \
  --template= \

# 11:19 pm / django, python, docker, jeff-triplett, uv

2024 » October
