Simon Willison’s Weblog


Sunday, 4th April 2021

Animated choropleth of vaccinations by US county

Visit Animated choropleth of vaccinations by US county

Last week I mentioned that I’ve recently started scraping and storing the CDC’s per-county vaccination numbers in my cdc-vaccination-history GitHub repository. This week I used an Observable notebook and d3’s TopoJSON support to render those numbers on an animated choropleth map.

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Spatialite Speed Test. Part of an excellent series of posts about SpatiaLite from 2012—here John C. Zastrow reports on running polygon intersection queries against a 1.9GB database file in 40 seconds without an index and 0.186 seconds using the SpatialIndex virtual table mechanism.

# 4:28 pm / spatialite, gis, sqlite

2021 » April
