Simon Willison’s Weblog


Thursday, 19th October 2017

Streaming Dataframes. This is some deep and brilliant magic: Matthew Rocklin’s Streamz Python library provides some elegant abstractions for consuming infinite streams of data and calculating cumulative averages and rolling reductions... and now he’s added an integration with jupyter that lets you embed bokeh graphs and pandas dataframe tables that continue to update in realtime as the stream continues! Check out the animated screenshots, this really is a phenomenal piece of work.

# 2:25 pm / jupyter, pandas

By cutting out a hundred voices or fewer, things and people that everybody talks about became things and people that nobody talks about. The internet is a technology for creating small ponds for us to all be big fish in. But you change your perspective just slightly, move over just an inch, and suddenly you get a sense of just how few people know about you or could possibly care.

Fredrik deBoer

# 3:11 pm / filterbubble

Carbon (via) Beautiful little tool that you can paste source code into to generate an image of that code with syntax highlighting applied, ready to be tweeted or shared anywhere that lets you share an image. Built in Node and next.js, with image generation handled client-side by the dom-to-image JavaScript library which loads HTML into a SVG foreignObject (sadly not yet supported by Safari) and uses that to populate a canvas and produce a PNG.

# 6:31 pm / zeit-now, nodejs, svg, javascript