Simon Willison’s Weblog


Wednesday, 1st April 2009

Dojo 1.3 now available. Looks like an excellent release. dojo.create is particularly nice—I’d be interested to know why something similar has never shipped with jQuery (presumably there’s a reason) as it feels a lot more elegant than gluing together an HTML-style string. Also interesting: you can swap between Dojo’s Acme selector engine and John Resig’s sizzle.

# 12:19 am / dojo, jquery, javascript, dojocreate, releases, acme, sizzle, selectors

How to use Django with Apache and mod_wsgi. My favourite deployment option is now included in the official Django docs, thanks to Alex Gaynor. I tend to run a stripped down Apache with mod_wsgi behind an nginx proxy, and have nginx serve static files directly. This avoids the need for a completely separate media server (although a separate media domain is still a good idea for better client-side performance).

# 12:24 am / django, python, modwsgi, wsgi, nginx, proxy, alex-gaynor, deployment

Continuous deployment in 5 easy steps. A classic case of a number in a title making the article look less interesting than it actually is. Lots of interesting information here from IMVU’s Eric Ries.

# 12:25 am / eric-ries, ivmu, continuous-deployment, testing