Simon Willison’s Weblog


Tuesday, 29th July 2008

Extra fields on many-to-many relationships (via) Checked in just over an hour ago, Django now lets you specify a custom “through” table for a ManyToManyField. Great work by Eric Florenzano.

# 1:58 pm / manytomany, eric-florenzano, django, python, through

json-head. I’ve deployed another App Engine mini-app, which provides a JSON-P API for running HEAD requests against an arbitrary URL (useful for checking things like Content-Length and Content-Type headers and whether a URL returns 200). App Engine’s urlfetch limitations mean it can only deal with port 80 and 443 requests.

# 3:41 pm / json, jsonhead, jsonp, projects, appengine

OSCON in 37 minutes. 45 OSCON talks summarised by their presenters in just 37 minutes, compiled by Gregg Pollack. I get to rant about OpenID for a minute at 27:22.

# 11:59 pm / openid, video, oscon, gregg-pollack

2008 » July
