Simon Willison’s Weblog


Sunday, 23rd December 2007

Johnny Chung Lee: Projects Wii. Awe-inspiring hardware hacks built on top of the Wiimote, including a dirt cheap interactive whiteboard and a head tracking system that turns a normal display in to a 3D VR environment.

# 9:23 am / 3d, hardware, hardware-hacking, johnny-chung-lee, make, vr, wii, wiimote

5 ways to break past the San Francisco echo-chamber. I like the idea of using the square-footage allocated to different things in Walmart to get an idea for what’s popular outside of geekdom.

# 9:37 am / andrew-chen, geeks, nongeeks, walmart

Quantcast top 100 US sites (via) The vast majority of the top 100 attract a more female than male audience. Digg is one notable exception.

# 9:43 am / advertising, demographics, digg, quantcast

WebOb. WebOb is “an extraction and refinement of pieces from Paste”—provides a very nice request and response object, clearly inspired partly by Django. The documentation includes the differences between the WebOb API and that of other frameworks.

# 10:22 am / django, frameworks, ian-bicking, paste, python, webob

2007 » December
