January 2006
Jan. 1, 2006
Happy New Year!
It’s just gone midnight here in England (I’m in Exeter for the new year), so Happy New Year to all. Top weblog-related priority for 2006: upgrade this aging heap of badly written object-oriented PHP to something better. I’ll try and get some good content flowing more regularly as well.
[... 58 words]Jan. 2, 2006
SANS recommend unofficial WMF patch (via) Unprecedented—but MS response is just too slow.
SANS WMF Exploit FAQ. This is really good.
Jan. 3, 2006
Microsoft takes down Chinese blogger (via) Fascinating analysis of how easy it is to take the low-road when dealing with China.
Jan. 4, 2006
Creating a Star Rater using CSS (via) It’s been a while since I saw a new CSS trick as neat as this one.
@media 2006. Back for another year, in London on the 15-16th of June.
Running a Service in China. An MSN Spaces employee responds.
Jan. 5, 2006
Lego mindstorms NXT. Lego announce a new mindstorms Robot, Mac compatible, with bluetooth.
Jan. 6, 2006
Microsoft releases WMF update. Thank goodness for that.
3D Maps BETA. Firefox 1.5 only; uses SVG.
Jan. 7, 2006
Parsed.org (via) Computing tips site, powered by Django.
Jan. 9, 2006
Optimus keyboard. Every key is a colour screen.
Jan. 11, 2006
JSLog. Another JS logging tool. Takes up very little space when closed.
Jan. 12, 2006
DateBox—Intuitive Date Input Selection. Mixes JSCalendar with my better date input stuff.
Google Local—“hotels in new york”. Sponsored results (the blue pins) on Google Maps.
Jan. 15, 2006
Note to our readers regarding the recent changes to naplesnews.com. Now powered by Django. And they’ve ditched registration!
Jan. 16, 2006
Showing Perfect Time. Includes a handy strftime implementation for JavaScript.
China, Censorship and Companies: My Thoughts (via) The inside story from Jared Kim.
Jan. 17, 2006
Web 3.0. A Zeldman classic.
Devious Tactic Snags Phone Data. Social engineering with the “mumble” attack.
DHS Funding Open Source Security. Paying for “source code analysis technology” coverage of Linux, Apache, PostgreSQL and more.
Most Underrated API? The Yahoo! Term Extractor. Completely true. It’s awesome.
Technorati Weblog: Blog That Chart! (via) This is a pretty cool new feature from Technorati.
Jan. 18, 2006
Unofficial documentation of iPhoto 6.0 photocasting feeds. Biting commentary from Mark Pilgrim.
Jan. 20, 2006
Tag Soup: Crazy parsing adventures. More bizzare browser behaviour.
Escaping regular expression characters in JavaScript
JavaScript’s support for regular expressions is generally pretty good, but there is one notable omission: an escaping mechanism for literal strings. Say for example you need to create a regular expression that removes a specific string from the end of a string. If you know the string you want to remove when you write the script this is easy:
[... 519 words]Jan. 21, 2006
LiveJournal Radio! OMG, streaming teen angst!
Google Video and Privacy. Interesting analysis of Google Video’s DRM.
Xanga Hit By Script Worm (in December) (via) Description of an XSS worm that hit Xanga last month.
Jan. 22, 2006
London Underground geographic maps. Generated PNG/SVG files under the LGPL; GPS source data is available.