Simon Willison’s Weblog


September 2005

Sept. 7, 2005

Poland, Dvorak and Broadband woes

My recent silence can be attributed to a number of things. I’ve been having a terrible time trying to get a ’net connection sorted out in my new flat—I can’t get cable, and it seems the local exchange can’t handle ADSL yet either. Curses. I also just got back from a fantastic ten day holiday in Gdansk, Poland with Natalie, and I’m typing this with a Dvorak keyboard (well, a PowerBook covered in post-it note fragments).

[... 344 words]

Sept. 8, 2005

Change of e-mail address

If you send e-mail to my old address I won’t get it—that account has been closed now that I’ve graduated from University. You can get my current e-mail address by clicking the big “Reveal my Address” button on my contact page.

Sept. 9, 2005

Sept. 11, 2005

Newent Onion Fayre 2005. This year’s Onion Fayre was something of a wash-out.

# 10:54 am

Firefox 1.5 developer highlights

Firefox 1.5 Beta 1 is out, and is the most exciting browser release in a very long time. It comes with the Gecko 1.8 rendering engine, which includes a ton of interesting new features. New in this version (unless you’ve been tinkering with the Deer Park series):

[... 719 words]

Productivity in the Trenches, or, Djangoism Saves. Jeremy Voorhis is nearly finished writing a major Django application.

# 2:16 pm

Sept. 12, 2005

Using SVG for paths in Google Maps with Deer Park. Mind bending Google Maps API hackery.

# 12:07 am

Simple graphical calculator with canvas. By Arvid Jakobsson.

# 12:33 am

Lumberjack, the cross-platform JavaScript logger and console. Neat tool for debugging in place of alert statements.

# 12:47 am

XMLHTTP notes: abort() and Mozilla bug. PPK finds the bugs so you don’t have to.

# 7:37 pm

Sept. 13, 2005

Django Powered Sites. 15 listed so far.

# 12:06 am

Edubuntu. Ubuntu variant for use in the classroom.

# 12:52 am

A movie about Trusted Computing (via) Beautifully animated.

# 12:53 am

DHTML Image Cropping Interface. Nice bit of JavaScript.

# 12:54 am

CSS Table Gallery (via) A gallery of CSS styled data tables.

# 1 am

JavaScript—Edit text. PPK experiments with inline editing.

# 1:03 am

scribbly. Greasemonkey + canvas.

# 1:03 am / greasemonkey

Python for XUL scripting. As promised at ETech.

# 1:05 am

Lighttpd launchd item for OS X 10.4. This technique looks generally applicable.

# 1:07 am

Sept. 14, 2005

Google Blog Search (via) It’s very simple, and appears to do exactly what you’d expect.

# 9:27 am

A heartwarming Ubuntu tale. Ubuntu advocates itself.

# 12:53 pm

Ben Hammersley: New Site, New Everything. Black backgrounds are the new Zeldman Orange.

# 7:30 pm

Email Injection—SecurePHP. Here’s a PHP hole I hadn’t heard about.

# 7:36 pm

Gillette unveils 5-bladed razor with two lubricating strips (via) Where have we heard that before?

# 11:21 pm

Fuck Everything, We’re Doing Five Blades (via) “Put another aloe strip on that fucker, too.”

# 11:21 pm

Sept. 15, 2005

Katrina: The Gathering (via) Extremely well done collectible card game parody.

# 1:05 pm

Abe’s Twisted book it out soon. And it has the best O’Reilly cover ever.

# 3:33 pm

Sept. 17, 2005

Hacking the BT Voyager 205 broadband modem/router (via) It’s a surprisingly versatile little box.

# 1:30 pm

More fun with the monkey

Cory Doctorow points to America from the Great Depression to World War II: Color Photographs from the FSA-OWI, 1939-1945, with the following observation:

[... 329 words]

2005 » September
