Simon Willison’s Weblog


September 2005

Sept. 20, 2005

Opera is now Free. I wonder how this will affect their market share.

# 3:25 pm

Sept. 21, 2005

Working for Yahoo!

I guess it’s about time I blogged this: Monday was my first official day working for Yahoo! I’ve joined the new Technology Development group, first mentioned by Jeremy Zawodny a couple of months ago. My first assignment is with the Flickr team, where I will be working on some Cool New Stuff. How exciting is that?

[... 82 words]

RailsFS After a Couple Minutes of Tooling With Fuse, Whoa. Mount your active record models as a file system under Linux.

# 10:57 pm

Sept. 22, 2005

Slashdot’s gone CSS. They’ve been talking about it for a while—looks like they threw the switch.

# 5:55 am

Sept. 24, 2005

The window.onload Problem—Solved! This is huge.

# 11:46 pm

Sept. 26, 2005

Maintainability, a.k.a. the CSS elephant

Now that even Slashdot has made the move to CSS it’s safe to say that the CSS advocacy battle is slowly being won. It’s time to talk about the elephant in the corner of the room: stylesheet maintainability.

[... 317 words]

Sept. 28, 2005

Did you say dogging or blogging? Brits confused. A survey of taxi drivers, pub landlords and hairdressers.

# 2:11 pm

Nate Koechley: Yahoo! My Web improves Search. Be sure to click through to the annotated screenshots.

# 2:40 pm

Sept. 30, 2005

Curing Float Drops and Wraps. Invaluable guide to debugging CSS floats.

# 10 am

A Basic RayCaster (with the canvas tag) (via) That didn’t take long.

# 10:29 am

window.onload—An Alternative Solution. If you don’t mind hosting HTCs.

# 5:07 pm

2005 » September
