Simon Willison’s Weblog


Thursday, 10th March 2005

Google News, now with customisation (via) Very nice use of drag and drop for the interface.

# 8:22 am

Taming the back button. That most elusive of browser features.

# 7:59 pm

Clearing floats on Quirksmode (via) PPK’s writeup of the new overflow:auto technique.

# 8 pm

The Digital Edition Dirigibles. Worth reading just for the stuff about Zeppelins.

# 8:08 pm

Combining XMLHttpRequest and Rails to Produce More Efficient UIs. Ruby on Rails is setting itself up to be THE framework for Ajax work.

# 8:10 pm

Event Cache. For avoiding memory leaks in Internet Explorer.

# 8:15 pm

Fadomatic—DHTML opacity effect. Can you tell I’m clearing out my tabs before departing for SxSW?

# 8:16 pm

A CSS styled calendar. More CSS goodness.

# 8:16 pm

voice of humanity: The Annotated Web. I need to read this for my final year project.

# 8:17 pm

SxSW Interactive. See you all in Austin!

# 8:18 pm

2005 » March
