Simon Willison’s Weblog


November 2004

Nov. 1, 2004

Cache decorator in Python 2.4 (via) Nothing like a good example to understand why decorators are a cool language feature.

# 1:15 pm

Nov. 3, 2004

Let a thousand conspiracy theories bloom

I’m about to hit the sack, but current indications are that Bush has won Ohio by a couple of percentage points and thus has been re-elected as President of the United States.

[... 122 words]

Nov. 4, 2004

Woke up this mornin’, got the election blues. How George Bush’s victory catapaulted liberal Britain into collective depression

# 1:03 pm

Wikipedia Firefox extension (via) Adds Wiki-markup shortcuts to the context menu.

# 1:50 pm

Uncollapsing Margins (Complex Spiral Consulting) (via) Another critical CSS concept explained.

# 2:15 pm

Nov. 5, 2004

Open source license help needed

Every now and then, I get an e-mail asking me to clarify the license associated with code that I’ve posted on this site, such as my date parsing script. I’m looking for an open source license that I can start slapping on things to ensure people that they can use it for whatever they want, but wading through the list of licenses is no fun at all. Here are the features I’m looking for:

[... 294 words]

BitTorrent accounts for 35% of the internet’s bandwidth (via) No longer off the radar of the media industry.

# 12:01 pm

Voting machine error gives Bush 3,893 extra votes in Ohio. The machines were from Danaher, not diebold.

# 10:36 pm

Your Vote Counts: Voting Equipment Information for Franklin County. Comical video, considering the news about the voting machines.

# 10:40 pm

Nov. 6, 2004

English “Squatters”. Jack T. Chick’s finest piece of creative insanity yet.

# 12:41 am

Nov. 8, 2004

Working with Spotlight. Geek-friendly overview of Apple’s new search technology.

# 12:22 pm

Python Memory Management (via) It’s not quite as straight forward as you might have thought.

# 12:43 pm

Konfabulator! (via) Now available for Windows.

# 10:34 pm

Delicious Library (via) Launched today. Looks phenomenal. Shame I don’t collect things really.

# 10:35 pm

Nov. 9, 2004

Mozilla Firefox Start Page. Firefox 1.0 is out. The default home page is hosted by Google.

# 11:29 am

Nov. 10, 2004 tour: Sex Log (via) I guess this was bound to happen sooner or later.

# 12:27 am

Where XML goes astray (via) XML’s weaknesses discussed.

# 1:03 am

Nov. 11, 2004

Usability blunders

I stumbled across this today and thought it was just too good not to share.

[... 62 words]

Honourable Fiend (via) Shaping up to be the UK’s Wonkette?

# 4:37 pm

Write Great Code. Get an iPod. Feedster are running a developer competition, with iPod minis up for grabs.

# 5:26 pm

Donald E. Knuth: Musings and more (via) Downloadable videos of Knuth lectures.

# 5:55 pm

Nov. 12, 2004

The True Story of Audion (via) A long but fascinating read.

# 12:08 pm

Nov. 13, 2004

Nov. 14, 2004

2004 » November