Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for ydn

10 posts tagged “ydn”


By Popular Demand, We’re Keeping the Term Extraction Service. Yahoo! aren’t shutting down the term extractor after all. On the one hand, this is a great decision—but this kind of back and forth (dare I say flip-flopping?) really doesn’t help encourage people to build against hosted APIs.

# 19th August 2009, 11:44 am / yahoo, ydn, termextractor

Today’s News and Yahoo!’s Developer Program. “For SearchMonkey and BOSS, we currently do not have anything concrete to tell you” ... “We wanted to let you know that today’s news does not affect these products [YUI, YQL, Pipes]”.

# 30th July 2009, 12:20 pm / searchmonkey, boss, yahoo, ydn, yui, yql, yahoopipes, pipes


Yahoo! yesterday launched their new development platform for My Yahoo! and Yahoo! Mail, which uses Caja to protect users from malicious gadgets. This means Caja suddenly got 275,000,000 users. Wow! I guess this makes Caja the most widely used capability language ever.

Ben Laurie

# 16th December 2008, 4:33 pm / caja, yahoo, ydn, ben-laurie, security, yahoomail

Interview: Simon Willison on OpenID. Christian Heilmann interviewed me for the YDN blog.

# 3rd February 2008, 10:18 pm / christian-heilmann, interview, openid, ydn, yahoo


The Zonetag API Goes Public. Awesome new API from YRB—given a cell tower ID can provide both a location and a list of suggested tags, based on data collected by ZoneTag.

# 2nd June 2007, 12:53 am / zonetag, api, yrb, location, cellid, tags, ydn, yahoo

Introducing the Yahoo! Mail Web Service. 101 pages of documentation—this thing is huge!

# 29th March 2007, 2:47 am / yahoo, api, yahoomail, ydn


Yahoo! Browser-Based Authentication (via) This is a Really Big Deal. Yahoo! has over 200 million /active/ user accounts.

# 29th September 2006, 7:21 pm / yahoo, bbauth, ydn

YDN Python Developer Center. Launched today: tips and tutorials on accessing Yahoo! Web services from Python.

# 8th August 2006, 8:57 pm / yahoo, ydn, python

The YDN Python Developer Center

I recently had the opportunity to put together the Python Developer Center for the Yahoo! Developer Network. YDN is one of my favourite parts of Yahoo! so I jumped at the chance, and the resulting mini-site is now online (YDN blog post here).

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Using JSON with Yahoo! Web Services (via) No more cross-domain script access problems.

# 15th December 2005, 11:53 pm / json, web-services, yahoo, ydn