Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for simplegeo

2 posts tagged “simplegeo”


Polymaps. Absurdly classy: “a JavaScript library for image- and vector-tiled maps using SVG”. It can pull in image tiles from sources such as OpenStreetMap, then overlay SVG paths specified using GeoJSON. The demos make use of GeoJSON tiles for US states and counties hosted on AppEngine. The library is developed by Stamen and SimpleGeo, and released under a BSD license. SVG support in the browser is required.

# 20th August 2010, 6:46 pm / appengine, geojson, javascript, mapping, polymaps, simplegeo, svg, recovered, stamen-design, openstreetmap

simplegeo’s python-oauth2. The Python OAuth library scene is frighteningly complicated at the moment. This seems to be the most actively maintained, and the readme includes working example code for talking to the Twitter API (including integration with Django auth).

# 18th July 2010, 5:22 pm / django, oauth, oauth2, python, simplegeo, twitter, recovered