Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for restful

4 posts tagged “restful”


django-piston. Promising looking Django mini-framework for creating RESTful APIs, from the bitbucket team. Ticks all of Jacob’s boxes, even including built-in pluggable authentication support with HTTP Basic, Digest and OAuth out of the box.

# 30th April 2009, 7:55 pm / django, rest, restful, python, apis, authentication, oauth, digest, piston, jespernoehr, bitbucket


RestView—a class for creating a view that dispatches based on request.method (via) I finally got around to writing up a simple approach I’ve been using for REST-style view functions in Django that dispatch based on request.method.

# 21st September 2008, 8:47 pm / restview, django, python, rest, restful, views, django-snippets

If it's easy to make all your calls conform to the RESTful verb architecture, then that's good, I guess. But if not, then just use a POST as an RPC call, keep it as simple as possible and be done with it. And don't spend another minute worrying about being RESTful or not.

Damien Katz

# 15th August 2008, 8:07 am / restful, rest, damien-katz, http, web-services, post, rpc

Persevere adds Comet Support. Persevere sounds neat: a RESTful HTTP/JSON data store (the interface reminds me of CouchDB) which recently gained the ability to “subscribe” to a resource and receive notifications of updates via comet.

# 13th May 2008, 8:09 am / persevere, comet, javascript, json, rest, restful, couchdb