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Atom feed for guido-van-rossum

16 posts tagged “guido-van-rossum”


PEP 750 – Tag Strings For Writing Domain-Specific Languages. A new PEP by Jim Baker, Guido van Rossum and Paul Everitt that proposes introducing a feature to Python inspired by JavaScript's tagged template literals.

F strings in Python already use a f"f prefix", this proposes allowing any Python symbol in the current scope to be used as a string prefix as well.

I'm excited about this. Imagine being able to compose SQL queries like this:

query = sql"select * from articles where id = {id}"

Where the sql tag ensures that the {id} value there is correctly quoted and escaped.

Currently under active discussion on the official Python discussion forum.

# 11th August 2024, 6:29 pm / python, guido-van-rossum, javascript


python/trunk/Lib/ in 1994 (via) Python’s original httplib implementation, checked in by Guido 16 years and 4 months ago. Not much younger than the Web itself.

# 4th July 2010, 11:25 pm / guido-van-rossum, http, httplib, python, recovered


Python in the Scientific World. Python continues to make strides in the scientific world—and the Hubble Space Telescope team have been using it for 10 years!

# 6th November 2009, 11:04 am / guido-van-rossum, python, science, scipy, hubblespacetelescope, astronomy

The History of Python: Adding Support for User-defined Classes. Guido designed the run-time representation first, and tried to design the syntax to include as few new parsing concepts as possible. The origins of explicit self are also explained.

# 18th February 2009, 11 pm / guido-van-rossum, python, classes

The History of Python (via) “A series of articles on the history of the Python programming language and its community”, being compiled by Guido plus guest authors.

# 14th January 2009, 9:42 am / guido-van-rossum, python, history, programming


Google App Engine for developers. Best in-depth coverage so far, from Niall Kennedy. I didn’t know that Guido had worked on the Django compatibility layer.

# 10th April 2008, 11:14 pm / niallkennedy, guido-van-rossum, python, django, googleappengine

Monkeypatching idioms—elegant or ugly? Guido offers a decorator and a metaclass as syntactic sugar for monkeypatching existing Python classes.

# 30th January 2008, 12:39 am / metaclasses, decorators, python, guido-van-rossum, monkeypatching, idioms


Python 3000 Status Update. Doesn’t look like we’ll get multiline lambdas, but the other stuff looks great. I’m not looking forward to years of Python 2 and Python 3 co-existing and splitting the community though (ala PHP 4 and 5).

# 19th June 2007, 1:49 pm / python, guido-van-rossum, php

Just because Java was once aimed at a set-top box OS that didn't support multiple address spaces, and just because process creation in Windows used to be slow as a dog, doesn't mean that multiple processes (with judicious use of IPC) aren't a much better approach to writing apps for multi-CPU boxes than threads.

Guido van Rossum

# 8th May 2007, 9:21 pm / guido-van-rossum, threads, python, ipc, java, windows


[Python-3000] Refactoring tool available. Guido’s initial work on a tool for converting Python 2.x code to Python 3K.

# 15th December 2006, 2:19 pm / python, guido-van-rossum


Stricter Whitespace Enforcement. Finally! Guido tightens the rules on whitespace.

# 1st April 2005, 2:23 pm / guido-van-rossum, python


Artima Weblogs recently started hosting weblogs, with membership by invitation only. With people like Guido van Rossum and Ward Cunningham already signed up Artima looks set to become a very interesting corner of the blogging world.

The making of Python

One for the reading list: The Making of Python—A conversation with Guido van Rossum, Part I.