8 posts tagged “gareth-rushgrove”
Automating web site deployment at Barcamp Brighton. I’m determined to start using Fabric and proper deployment scripts for my personal projects.
Fabric, Django, Git, Apache, mod_wsgi, virtualenv and pip deployment. I’m slowly working my way through this stack at the moment—next stop, fabric.
Django Settings Tip—Setting Relative Paths. This is the first thing I do in every single one of my Django projects—it makes projects relocatable to other machines with just a couple of lines of code. I wouldn’t be at all upset to see it added to the default Django settings.py file created by ./manage.py startproject
Localbuilder. Gareth Rushgrove’s neat little Python continuous integration tool—it watches a directory for changes, then runs a command when it spots any.
Using Python and Stompserver to Get Started With Message Queues. An eminently practical guide to this year’s Hot New Thing (for web developers at least) from Gareth Rushgrove.
Why the webstandards world appears to be choosing Django. I’m not convinced that this is a definite trend, but it certainly makes for an interesting discussion.
Insert Dojo and YUI bookmarklets. Combine with Jash for interactive API experimentation on any web page.
Jash: JavaScript Shell (via) An advanced JavaScript interactive shell bookmarklet that works in IE, Firefox, Opera and Safari.