Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for david-cramer

8 posts tagged “david-cramer”


Optimizing for Taste. David Cramer’s detailed explanation as to why his company Sentry mostly avoids A/B testing. David wrote this as an internal blog post originally, but is now sharing it with the world. I found myself nodding along vigorously as I read this—lots of astute observations here.

I particularly appreciated his closing note: “The strength of making a decision is making it. You can always make a new one later. Choose the obvious path forward, and if you don’t see one, find someone who does.”

# 27th September 2023, 4:34 am / ab-testing, sentry, david-cramer


Presenting django-devserver, a better runserver. I really like this—it’s a Django management command (./ rundevserver) which adds SQL logging and cache access summaries to the console output of Django’s local development server. It solves a similar set of problems to the debug toolbar, but requires slightly less setup and doesn’t inject additional HTML in to your pages. You can add your own custom modules to it as well.

# 10th February 2010, 11:33 am / david-cramer, django, python, runserver, devserver, debugging


django-db-log. Middleware that logs Django exceptions to the database, using a clever scheme based on an MD5 of the traceback text to group duplicate errors in to batches.

# 13th May 2008, 8:07 am / david-cramer, django, exceptions, logging, middleware, djangodblog

Setup mod_wsgi for Django and Shared Hosting. Tutorial by David Cramer; attached are useful comments from mod_wsgi author Graham Dumpleton.

# 26th March 2008, 2:42 pm / modwsgi, wsgi, hosting, django, python, david-cramer, graham-dumpleton

In-Depth django-sphinx Tutorial. Another neat Django extension from the guys at Curse: easy integration with the sphinx full text search engine.

# 5th March 2008, 12:03 am / django, curse, python, sphinx-search, search, david-cramer

Caching Layer for Django ORM. Interesting extension to Django’s ORM that adds automatic caching of querysets and smart cache invalidation.

# 23rd January 2008, 3:18 pm / django, orm, david-cramer, caching, python, ormcaching


django-sphinx (via) More code from Curse Gaming; this time a really nice API for adding Sphinx full-text search to a Django model.

# 9th September 2007, 12:35 am / django, python, orm, search, sphinx-search, cursegaming, david-cramer, full-text-search

wikimarkup (via) “MediaWiki markup in Python”. I’ve always suspected that MediaWiki was like Perl; the only thing that can parse MediaWiki is MediaWiki. Not sure how faithful this Python port is but I’d love my theory to be proved wrong.

# 9th September 2007, 12:33 am / python, cursegaming, david-cramer, mediawiki, perl, wiki, wikimarkup