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Atom feed for captcha

6 posts tagged “captcha”


moot wins, Time Inc. loses. The poll hack was more sophisticated than I first thought... Time implemented reCAPTCHA half way through the voting period, but the 4chan community fought back with a custom interface that crowdsourced the job of voting and let individuals submit up to 30 votes a minute.

# 29th April 2009, 11:13 am / captcha, recaptcha, 4chan, timedotcom, security, voting, onlinepolls, moot

OCR and Neural Nets in JavaScript. John dissects the brilliant Greasemonkey script that solves simple captchas using the canvas element and HTML5’s getImageData API.

# 25th January 2009, 12 am / getimagedata, captcha, ocr, javascript, greasemonkey, canvas, john-resig


New authentication schemes such as OpenID, or Microsoft's CardSpace, may help as adoption increases. These systems make it possible to register for one site using credentials verified by another. Instead of having many sites with poor verification procedures, the internet could have a few sites with strong verification procedures, that are then used by others. The advantage for the user is that they no longer have to jump through multiple hoops for each new site they encounter.

Tim Anderson, in the Guardian

# 29th August 2008, 10:01 am / captcha, tim-anderson, guardian, openid, cardspace, security


The NHL’s All-Star voting disaster. The NHL ran an online poll to decide which players are picked for their All-Star Game. The only authentication was a poorly implemented CAPTCHA. Unsurprisingly, it got gamed.

# 19th January 2007, 9:50 am / gaming, nhl, security, captcha, stupid

2006 (via) Neat concept: a third party service for ensuring that an OpenID has passed a CAPTCHA.

# 19th December 2006, 6:01 pm / captcha, openid, janrain