Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for california

3 posts tagged “california”


CAISO Grid Status (via) CAISO is the California Independent System Operator, a non-profit managing 80% of California’s electricity flow. This grid status page shows live data about the state of the grid and it’s fascinating: right now (2pm local time) California is running 71.4% on renewables, having peaked at 80% three hours ago. The current fuel mix is 52% solar, 31% natural gas, 7% each large hydro and nuclear and 2% wind. The charts on this page show how solar turns off overnight and then picks up and peaks during daylight hours.

# 14th September 2023, 9:08 pm / energy, california


California Protected Areas Database in Datasette (via) I built this yesterday: it’s a Datasette interface on top of the CPAD 2020 GIS database of protected areas in California maintained by GreenInfo Network. This was a useful excuse to build a GitHub Actions flow that builds a SpatiaLite database using my shapefile-to-sqlite tool, and I fixed a few bugs in my datasette-leaflet-geojson plugin as well.

# 21st August 2020, 11:15 pm / shapefiles, github-actions, datasette, projects, california, spatialite, gis


San Diego, tell me more

You should totally go to Horton Plaza. It’s a shopping mall, but it’s also basically one big architectural joke. Everything is at funny angles, and stairs and ramps never take you where they think you will. I usually have no interest in visiting malls at all but I totally loved it.

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