Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for berkeleydb

4 posts tagged “berkeleydb”


Keyspace. Yet Another Key-Value Store—this one focuses on high availability, with one server in the cluster serving as master (and handling all writes), and the paxos algorithm handling replication and ensuring a new master can be elected should the existing master become unavailable. Clients can chose to make dirty reads against replicated servers or clean reads by talking directly to the master. Underlying storage is BerkeleyDB, and the authors claim 100,000 writes/second. Released under the AGPL.

# 16th July 2009, 10:30 am / keyvaluepairs, keyspace, databases, agpl, berkeleydb, scaling, replication, paxos

MemcacheDB. A server that speaks the memcache protocol but uses Berkeley DB for reliable persistent storage. Speedy: 20,000 writes/second and 60,000+ reads/second. Includes a full replication mechanism (with custom memcache protocol commands) based on Berkeley DB’s.

# 5th January 2009, 12:37 pm / replication, memcachedb, berkeleydb, memcache, scaling, keyvaluepairs


skipdb (via) Small, fast BerkeleyDB style database using skip lists, by the creator of the Io programming language.

# 4th February 2007, 1:09 pm / skiplists, skipdb, berkeleydb, io, steve-dekorte


Discovering Berkeley DB

I’m working on a project at the moment which involves exporting a whole bunch of data out of an existing system. The system is written in Perl and uses Berkeley DB files for most of its storage.

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