Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged redis in 2017

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For Redis 4.2 I’m moving Disque as a Redis module. To do this, Redis modules are getting a fully featured Cluster API. This means that it will be possible, for instance, to write a Redis module that orchestrates N Redis masters, using Raft or any other consensus algorithm, as a single distributed system. This will allow to also model strong guarantees easily.

Salvatore Sanfilippo # 8th November 2017, 10:51 pm

Redis Streams and the Unified Log. In which Brandur Leach explores the new Kafka-style streams functionality coming to Redis 4.0, and shows an example of a robust at-least once processing architecture built on a combination of Redis streams and PostgreSQL transactions. I really like the pattern of writing log records to a staging table in PostgreSQL first in order to bundle them up in the same transaction as the originating state change, then have a separate process read them from that table and publish them to Redis. # 8th November 2017, 4:37 pm

Redis streams aren’t exciting for their innovativeness, but rather than they bring building a unified log architecture within reach of a small and/or inexpensive app. Kafka is infamously difficult to configure and get running, and is expensive to operate once you do. [...] Redis on the other hand is probably already in your stack.

Brandur Leach # 8th November 2017, 4:23 pm

Secondary indexing with Redis. I haven’t seen this section of the official Redis documentation before, and it’s absolutely fantastic—well worth reading the whole thing. It talks through various ways in which you can set up indexes in Redis, mainly by leaning on sorted sets—which it turns out will binary lexicographically sort items with the same score. This makes it easy to implement autocomplete with Redis—but if you use them creatively you can implement subject/predicate/object graph searches or even N-dimensional range queries as well. # 7th November 2017, 2 am

walrus. Fascinating collection of Python utilities for working with Redis, by Charles Leifer. There are a ton of interesting ideas in here. It starts with Python object wrappers for Redis so you can interact with lists, sets, sorted sets and Redis hashes using Python-like objects. Then it gets really interesting: walrus ships with implementations of autocomplete, rate limiting, a graph engine (using a sorted set hexastore) and an ORM-style models mechanism which manages secondary indexes and even implements basic full-text search. # 6th November 2017, 1:14 am

Scaling the GitLab database. Lots of interesting details on how GitLab have worked to scale their PostgreSQL setup. They’ve avoided sharding so far, instead opting for database pooling with pgbouncer and read-only replicas using hot standbys. I like the way they deal with replica lag—they store the current WAL position in a redis key for the user every time there’s a write, then use pg_last_xlog_replay_location() on the various replicas to check and see if they have caught up next time the user makes a request that needs to read some data. # 30th October 2017, 8:53 pm

Streams: a new general purpose data structure in Redis. Exciting new Redis feature inspired by Kafka: redis streams, which allow you to construct an efficient, in-memory list of messages (similar to a Kafka log) which clients can read sections of or block against and await real-time delivery of new messages. As expected from Salvatore the API design is clean, obvious and covers a wide range of exciting use-cases. Planned for release with Redis 4 by the end of the year! # 3rd October 2017, 3:25 pm