Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged javascript

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Building a Signal Analyzer with Modern Web Tech (via) Casey Primozic’s detailed write-up of his project to build a spectrogram and oscilloscope using cutting-edge modern web technology: Web Workers, Web Audio, SharedArrayBuffer, Atomics.waitAsync, OffscreenCanvas, WebAssembly SIMD and more. His conclusion: “Web developers now have all the tools they need to build native-or-better quality apps on the web.” # 21st May 2023, 9:35 pm

@neodrag/vanilla (via) “A lightweight vanillaJS library to make your elements draggable”—I stumbled across this today while checking out a Windows 11 simulator built in Svelte. It’s a neat little library, and “download-esm @neodrag/vanilla” worked to grab me an ECMAScript module that I could import and use. # 11th May 2023, 2:48 am

download-esm: a tool for downloading ECMAScript modules

I’ve built a new CLI tool, download-esm, which takes the name of an npm package and will attempt to download the ECMAScript module version of that package, plus all of its dependencies, directly from the jsDelivr CDN—and then rewrite all of the import statements to point to those local copies.

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On Endings: Why & How We Retired Elm at Culture Amp (via) Culture Amp made extensive use of Elm—a ML-like functional language that compiles to JavaScript—between 2016 and 2020 while building their company’s frontend. They eventually decided to move away from it, for reasons described at length in this post primarily relating to its integration with React. This piece is worth reading mainly as a thoughtful approach to engineering management challenge of deprecating a well-loved piece of technology from the recommended stack at a company. # 10th April 2023, 2:11 am

SvelteKit is written in JS and distributed as source code — no build step — and it’s been miraculous for productivity. build steps make sense for apps, they make much less sense for libraries

Rich Harris # 24th March 2023, 11:07 pm

Web Stable Diffusion (via) I just ran the full Stable Diffusion image generation model entirely in my browser, and used it to generate an image (of two raccoons eating pie in the woods, see “via” link). I had to use Google Chrome Canary since this depends on WebGPU which still isn’t fully rolled out, but it worked perfectly. # 17th March 2023, 4:46 am

Transformers.js. Hugging Face Transformers is a library of Transformer machine learning models plus a Python package for loading and running them. Transformers.js provides a JavaScript alternative interface which runs in your browser, thanks to a set of precompiled WebAssembly binaries for a selection of models. This interactive demo is incredible: in particular, try running the Image classification with google/vit-base-patch16-224 (91MB) model against any photo to get back labels representing that photo. Dropping one of these models onto a page is as easy as linking to a hosted CDN script and running a few lines of JavaScript. # 16th March 2023, 11:41 pm

Writing Javascript without a build system (via) Julia Evans perfectly captures why I prefer not to use build systems in the majority of my projects that use JavaScript: “... my experience with build systems (not just Javascript build systems!), is that if you have a 5-year-old site, often it’s a huge pain to get the site built again. And because most of my websites are pretty small, the advantage of using a build system is pretty small.” # 18th February 2023, 5:25 am

Retiring Pinafore (via) Nolan Lawson built Pinafore, which became my default Mastodon client on both desktop and mobile over the past month. He thoughtfully explains why he’s ending his involvement in the project—and why, for trust reasons, he’s not planning on handing over the reigns to someone else. Pinafore is everything I want a good SPA to be—it loads fast, works offline and packs a whole lot of functionality into a tiny package. I’m sad to see Nolan’s involvement come to end—it’s a superb piece of software. # 10th January 2023, 2:05 am

Draw SVG rope using JavaScript (via) Delightful interactive tutorial by Stanko Tadić showing how to render an illustration of a rope using SVG, starting with a path. The way the tutorial is presented is outstanding. # 31st December 2022, 5:31 pm

three.js examples: webgl_postprocessing_pixel (via) Neat new example for three.js that uses a pixel-shader postprocessor to apply an isometric pixel-art feel to a 3D scene. # 1st December 2022, 9:57 pm

About the sqlite3 WASM/JS Subproject. SQLite now maintains an official WebAssembly build. It’s influenced by sql.js but is a fresh implementation with its own API design. It also supports Origin-Private FileSystem (OPFS)—a very new standard which doesn’t yet have wide browser support that allows websites to save and load files using a dedicated folder on the host machine. # 28th October 2022, 11:05 pm

Fastly Compute@Edge JS Runtime (via) Fastly’s JavaScript runtime, designed to run at the edge of their CDN, uses the Mozilla SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine compiled to WebAssembly. # 20th September 2022, 10:20 pm

Shoelace (via) Saw this for the first time today: it’s a relatively new library of framework-agnostic Web Components, built on lit-html and covering a huge array of common functionality: buttons and sliders and dialogs and drawer interfaces and dropdown menus and so on. The design is very clean, the documentation is superb—and it looks like you can cherry pick just the components you are using for a pretty lean addition to your page weight. So refreshing to see libraries like this that really take advantage of modern web standards. # 20th August 2022, 8:57 pm

Promise Maps. Egbert Teeselink describes a neat JavaScript caching pattern: instead of caching key:value cache key:promise-that-resolves-to-value—doing this gives you dog piling prevention for free, because the first lookup of a value trigers the computation to fetch it while subsequent lookups wait on the same promise to resolve—or resolve instantly if the computation has completed. # 22nd July 2022, 3:52 pm

Bringing page transitions to the web (via) Jake Archibald’s 13 minute Google I/O talk demonstrating the page transitions API that’s now available in Chrome Canary. This is a fascinating piece of API design—it works by effectively creating a static image screenshot of the before and after states of the transition, then letting you define CSS animations that animate a transition between the two static images. By default the screenshot encompasses the full viewport, but you can instead define multiple elements within the page and apply separate transitions to them. It’s only available for SPAs right now but the final design should include support for multi-page applications as well—which means transitions with no JavaScript needed at all! # 13th July 2022, 4:26 pm

Helpful 404s for Jekyll (and GitHub Pages). Neat trick from Ben Balter: JavaScript that runs on your 404 page, fetches the sitemap.xml, parses all of the URLs out of it and then uses a levenshtein edit-distance comparison to find the closest URL to the one that you landed on and suggests that as a “Perhaps you’re looking for?”. # 6th July 2022, 5:31 pm

Bun. “Bun is a fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime”—this is very interesting. It’s the first project I’ve seen written using the Zig language, which I see as somewhat equivalent to Rust. Bun provides a full Node.js-style JavaScript environment plus a host of packaged tools—an npm install client, a TypeScript transpiler, bundling tools—all wrapped up in a single binary. The JavaScript engine itself extends JavaScriptCore. Bun also ships with its own wrapper for SQLite. # 6th July 2022, 5:24 pm

The general idea of an “Islands” architecture is deceptively simple: render HTML pages on the server, and inject placeholders or slots around highly dynamic regions. These placeholders/slots contain the server-rendered HTML output from their corresponding widget. They denote regions that can then be “hydrated” on the client into small self-contained widgets, reusing their server-rendered initial HTML.

Jason Miller # 28th June 2022, 3:01 pm

The balance has shifted away from SPAs (via) “There’s a feeling in the air. A zeitgeist. SPAs are no longer the cool kids they once were 10 years ago.” Nolan Lawson offers some opinions on why the pendulum seems to be swinging back in favour of server-side rendering over rendering every page entirely on the client. He argues that paint holding, back-forward caching and service workers have made the benefits of SPAs over MPAs much less apparent. I’m inclined to agree. # 22nd May 2022, 2:47 am

Datasette Lite: a server-side Python web application running in a browser

Datasette Lite is a new way to run Datasette: entirely in a browser, taking advantage of the incredible Pyodide project which provides Python compiled to WebAssembly plus a whole suite of useful extras.

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Web Scraping via Javascript Runtime Heap Snapshots (via) This is an absolutely brilliant scraping trick. Adrian Cooney figured out a way to use Puppeteer and the Chrome DevTools protocol to take a heap snapshot of all of the JavaScript running on a web page, then recursively crawl through the heap looking for any JavaScript objects that have a specified selection of properties. This allows him to scrape data from arbitrarily complex client-side web applications. He built a JavaScript library and command line tool that implements the pattern. # 3rd May 2022, 12:51 am

HTML event handler attributes: down the rabbit hole (via) onclick="myfunction(event)" is an idiom for passing the click event to a function - but how does it work? It turns out the answer is buried deep in the HTML spec - the browser wraps that string of code in a function(event) { ... that string ... } function and makes the event available to its local scope that way. # 26th April 2022, 8:35 pm

SQLime: SQLite Playground (via) Anton Zhiyanov built this useful mobile-friendly online playground for trying things out it SQLite. It uses the sql.js library which compiles SQLite to WebAssembly, so it runs everything in the browser—but it also supports saving your work to Gists via the GitHub API. The JavaScript source code is fun to read: the site doesn’t use npm or Webpack or similar, opting instead to implement everything library-free using modern JavaScript modules and Web Components. # 17th January 2022, 7:08 pm (via) Absurdly clever application of service workers and the file system API: you can select a folder from your computer and the contents of that folder will be served (just to you) from a path on this website—all without uploading any content. The code is on GitHub and offers a useful, succinct introduction to how to use those APIs. # 12th December 2021, 6:32 pm

Deno Deploy Beta 3 (via) I missed Deno Deploy when it first came out back in June: it’s a really interesting new hosting environment for scripts written in Deno, Node.js creator Ryan Dahl’s re-imagining of Node.js. Deno Deploy runs your code using v8 isolates running in 28 regions worldwide, with a clever BroadcastChannel mechanism (inspired by the browser API of the same name) that allows instances of the server-side code running in different regions to send each other messages. See the “via” link for my annotated version of a demo by Ondřej Žára that got me excited about what it can do. # 7th November 2021, 1:51 am

Tonic (via) Really interesting library for building Web Components: it’s tiny (just 350 lines of code), works directly in browsers without any compile or build step and makes very creative use of modern JavaScript features such as async generators. # 23rd October 2021, 5:21 am

How to win at CORS (via) Jake Archibald’s definitive guide to CORS, including a handy CORS playground interactive tool. Also includes a useful history explaining why we need CORS in the first place. # 12th October 2021, 2:07 pm

Introducing Partytown 🎉: Run Third-Party Scripts From a Web Worker (via) This is just spectacularly clever. Partytown is a 6KB JavaScript library that helps you move gnarly poorly performing third-party scripts out of your main page and into a web worker, so they won’t destroy your page performance. The really clever bit is in how it provides sandboxed access to the page DOM: it uses a devious trick where a proxy object provides getters and setters which then make blocking API calls to a separate service worker, using the mostly-forgotten, false) parameter that turns off the async default for an XMLHttpRequest call. # 23rd September 2021, 6:29 pm

Temporal: getting started with JavaScript’s new date time API. Axel Rauschmayer explores the new proposed API for handling dates, times and timezones in JavaScript., which is under development by Ecma TC39 at the moment (and made available as a Polyfill which you are recommended not to run in production since the API is still being figured out). This is a notoriously difficult problem so it’s always interesting to see the latest thinking on how to best address it. # 7th July 2021, 10:29 pm


