Simon Willison’s Weblog


Entries tagged ai, podcasts in 2023

Filters: Type: entry × Year: 2023 × ai × podcasts × Sorted by date

Recommendations to help mitigate prompt injection: limit the blast radius

I’m in the latest episode of RedMonk’s Conversation series, talking with Kate Holterhoff about the prompt injection class of security vulnerabilities: what it is, why it’s so dangerous and why the industry response to it so far has been pretty disappointing.

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Prompt injection explained, November 2023 edition

A neat thing about podcast appearances is that, thanks to Whisper transcriptions, I can often repurpose parts of them as written content for my blog.

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I’m on the Newsroom Robots podcast, with thoughts on the OpenAI board

Newsroom Robots is a weekly podcast exploring the intersection of AI and journalism, hosted by Nikita Roy.

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Talking Large Language Models with Rooftop Ruby

I’m on the latest episode of the Rooftop Ruby podcast with Collin Donnell and Joel Drapper, talking all things LLM.

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The Changelog podcast: LLMs break the internet

I’m the guest on the latest episode of The Changelog podcast: LLMs break the internet. It’s a follow-up to the episode we recorded six months ago about Stable Diffusion.

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What AI can do for you on the Theory of Change podcast

Matthew Sheffield invited me on his show Theory of Change to talk about how AI models like ChatGPT, Bing and Bard work and practical applications of things you can do with them.

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