Simon Willison’s Weblog


Items tagged projects, sqlite in Apr, 2023

Filters: Year: 2023 × Month: Apr × projects × sqlite × Sorted by date

Enriching data with GPT3.5 and SQLite SQL functions

I shipped openai-to-sqlite 0.3 yesterday with a fun new feature: you can now use the command-line tool to enrich data in a SQLite database by running values through an OpenAI model and saving the results, all in a single SQL query.

[... 1219 words]

sqlite-history: tracking changes to SQLite tables using triggers (also weeknotes)

In between blogging about ChatGPT rhetoric, micro-benchmarking with ChatGPT Code Interpreter and Why prompt injection is an even bigger problem now I managed to ship the beginnings of a new project: sqlite-history.

[... 1680 words]