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If your only way of making a painting is to actually dab paint laboriously onto a canvas, then the result might be bad or good, but at least it’s the result of a whole lot of micro-decisions you made as an artist. You were exercising editorial judgment with every paint stroke. That is absent in the output of these programs.

Neal Stephenson # 7th February 2024, 5:04 pm

Datasette 1.0a8: JavaScript plugins, new plugin hooks and plugin configuration in datasette.yaml

I just released Datasette 1.0a8. These are the annotated release notes.

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SQL for Data Scientists in 100 Queries. New comprehensive SQLite SQL tutorial from Greg Wilson, author of Teaching Tech Together and founder of The Carpentries. # 6th February 2024, 11:08 pm

The power of two random choices, visualized. Grant Slatton shares a visualization illustrating “a favorite load balancing technique at AWS”: pick two nodes at random and then send the task to whichever of those two has the lowest current load score.

Why just two nodes? “The function grows logarithmically, so it’s a big jump from 1 to 2 and then tapers off *real* quick.” # 6th February 2024, 10:21 pm

scriptisto (via) This is really clever. “scriptisto is tool to enable writing one file scripts in languages that require compilation, dependencies fetching or preprocessing.”

You start your file with a “#!/usr/bin/env scriptisto” shebang line, then drop in a specially formatted block that tells it which compiler (if any) to use and how to build the tool. The rest of the file can then be written in any of the dozen-plus included languages... or you can create your own template to support something else.

The end result is you can now write a one-off tool in pretty much anything and have it execute as if it was a single built executable. # 6th February 2024, 4:49 am

shot-scraper 1.4. I decided to add HTTP Basic authentication support to shot-scraper today and found several excellent pull requests waiting to be merged, by Niel Thiart and mhalle.

1.4 adds support for HTTP Basic auth, custom --scale-factor shots, additional --browser-arg arguments and a fix for --interactive mode. # 5th February 2024, 11:11 pm

How does Sidekiq really work? (via) I really like this category of blog post: Dan Svetlov took the time to explore the Sidekiq message queue’s implementation and then wrote it up in depth. # 5th February 2024, 5:20 pm

Sometimes, performance just doesn’t matter. If I make some codepath in Ruff 10x faster, but no one ever hits it, I’m sure it could get some likes on Twitter, but the impact on users would be meaningless.

And yet, it’s good to care about performance everywhere, even when it doesn’t matter. Caring about performance is cultural and contagious. Small wins add up. Small losses add up even more.

Charlie Marsh # 4th February 2024, 7:41 pm

llm-sentence-transformers 0.2. I added a new --trust-remote-code option when registering an embedding model, which means LLM can now run embeddings through the new Nomic AI nomic-embed-text-v1 model. # 4th February 2024, 7:39 pm

Rye lets you get from no Python on a computer to a fully functioning Python project in under a minute with linting, formatting and everything in place.

[...] Because it was demonstrably designed to avoid interference with any pre-existing Python configurations, Rye allows for a smooth and gradual integration and the emotional barrier of picking it up even for people who use other tools was shown to be low.

Armin Ronacher # 4th February 2024, 3:12 pm

Introducing Nomic Embed: A Truly Open Embedding Model. A new text embedding model from Nomic AI which supports 8192 length sequences, claims better scores than many other models (including OpenAI’s new text-embedding-3-small) and is available as both a hosted API and a run-yourself model. The model is Apache 2 licensed and Nomic have released the full set of training data and code.

From the accompanying paper: “Full training of nomic-embed-text-v1 can be conducted in a single week on one 8xH100 node.” # 3rd February 2024, 11:13 pm

The Engineering behind Figma’s Vector Networks (via) Fascinating post by Alex Harri (in 2019) describing FIgma’s unique approach to providing an alternative to the classic Bézier curve pen tool. It includes a really clear explanation of Bézier curves, then dives into the alternative, recent field of vector networks which support lines and curves between any two points rather than enforcing a single path. # 3rd February 2024, 11:08 pm

Open Language Models (OLMos) and the LLM landscape (via) OLMo is a newly released LLM from the Allen Institute for AI (AI2) currently available in 7b and 1b parameters (OLMo-65b is on the way) and trained on a fully openly published dataset called Dolma.

The model and code are Apache 2, while the data is under the “AI2 ImpACT license”.

From the benchmark scores shared here by Nathan Lambert it looks like this may be the highest performing model currently available that was built using a fully documented training set.

What’s in Dolma? It’s mainly Common Crawl, Wikipedia, Project Gutenberg and the Stack. # 2nd February 2024, 4:11 am

LLMs may offer immense value to society. But that does not warrant the violation of copyright law or its underpinning principles. We do not believe it is fair for tech firms to use rightsholder data for commercial purposes without permission or compensation, and to gain vast financial rewards in the process. There is compelling evidence that the UK benefits economically, politically and societally from upholding a globally respected copyright regime.

UK House of Lords report on Generative AI # 2nd February 2024, 3:54 am

Samattical (via) Automattic (the company behind WordPress) have a benefit that’s provided to all 1,900+ of their employees: a paid three month sabbatical every five years.

CEO Matt Mullenweg is taking advantage of this for the first time, and here shares an Ignite talk in which he talks about the way the benefit encourages the company to plan for 5% of the company to be unavailable at any one time, helping avoid any single employee becoming a bottleneck. # 2nd February 2024, 3:42 am

For many people in many organizations, their measurable output is words—words in emails, in reports, in presentations. We use words as proxy for many things: the number of words is an indicator of effort, the quality of the words is an indicator of intelligence, the degree to which the words are error-free is an indicator of care.

[...] But now every employee with Copilot can produce work that checks all the boxes of a formal report without necessarily representing underlying effort.

Ethan Mollick # 2nd February 2024, 3:34 am

unstructured. Relatively new but impressively capable Python library (Apache 2 licensed) for extracting information from unstructured documents, such as PDFs, images, Word documents and many other formats.

I got some good initial results against a PDF by running “pip install ’unstructured[pdf]’” and then using the “unstructured.partition.pdf.partition_pdf(filename)” function.

There are a lot of moving parts under the hood: pytesseract, OpenCV, various PDF libraries, even an ONNX model—but it installed cleanly for me on macOS and worked out of the box. # 2nd February 2024, 2:47 am

ChunkViz (via) Handy tool by Greg Kamradt to help understand how different text chunking mechanisms work by visualizing them. Chunking is an important part of preparing text to be embedded for semantic search, and thanks to this tool I’ve finally got a solid mental model of what recursive character text splitting does. # 2nd February 2024, 2:23 am

teknium/OpenHermes-2.5 (via) The Nous-Hermes and Open Hermes series of LLMs, fine-tuned on top of base models like Llama 2 and Mistral, have an excellent reputation and frequently rank highly on various leaderboards.

The developer behind them, Teknium, just released the full set of fine-tuning data that they curated to build these models. It’s a 2GB JSON file with over a million examples of high quality prompts, responses and some multi-prompt conversations, gathered from a number of different sources and described in the data card. # 1st February 2024, 4:18 am

Just a reminder, the way you evaluate yourself as a leader is how much both the individuals and teams in your organization grow in their capacity to achieve hard goals. Everything else is a distraction.

Kellan Elliott-McCrea # 27th February 2023, 8:12 pm

I think now of all the kids coming up who are learning to write alongside ChatGPT, just as I learned to write with spell-check. ChatGPT isn’t writing for them; it’s producing copy. For plenty of people, having a robot help them produce serviceable copy will be exactly enough to allow them to get by in the world. But for some, it will lower a barrier. It will be the beginning of their writing career, because they will learn that even though plenty of writing begins with shitty, soulless copy, the rest of writing happens in edits, in reworking the draft, in all the stuff beyond the initial slog of just getting words down onto a page.

Ryan Bradley # 27th February 2023, 6:10 pm

New AI game: role playing the Titanic. Fantastic Bing prompt from Ethan Mollick: “I am on a really nice White Star cruise from Southampton, and it is 14th April 1912. What should I do tonight?”—Bing takes this very seriously and tries to help out! Works for all sorts of other historic events as well. # 26th February 2023, 3:53 am

Tech’s hottest new job: AI whisperer. No coding required. (via) I’m quoted in this Washington Post article about prompt engineering by Drew Harwell. “There are people who belittle prompt engineers, saying, ’Oh lord, you can get paid for typing things into a box. But these things lie to you. They mislead you. They pull you down false paths to waste time on things that don’t work. You’re casting spells—and, like in fictional magic, nobody understands how the spells work and, if you mispronounce them, demons come to eat you.” # 25th February 2023, 2:14 pm

Thoughts and impressions of AI-assisted search from Bing

It’s been a wild couple of weeks.

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Introducing LLaMA: A foundational, 65-billion-parameter large language model (via) From the paper: “For instance, LLaMA-13B outperforms GPT-3 on most benchmarks, despite being 10× smaller. We believe that this model will help democratize the access and study of LLMs, since it can be run on a single GPU.” # 24th February 2023, 5:34 pm

Hallucinations = creativity. It [Bing] tries to produce the highest probability continuation of the string using all the data at its disposal. Very often it is correct. Sometimes people have never produced continuations like this. You can clamp down on hallucinations—and it is super-boring. Answers “I don’t know” all the time or only reads what is there in the Search results (also sometimes incorrect). What is missing is the tone of voice: it shouldn’t sound so confident in those situations.

Mikhail Parakhin # 24th February 2023, 3:37 pm Portable Django (via) “A 20mb executable zip file with Python 3.6 and Django 2.2. Works on Windows, Linux, MacOSX with x86_64 and aarch64 (yes, Apple M1 and Raspberry Pi).” The latest wizardry from the ecosystem surrounding the Cosmopolitan project, which provides a should-be-impossible mechanism for running the same executable on a bunch of different platforms. This utility by Ariel Núñez bundles Python and Django and SQLite, such that a Django application can become a portable executable ready to run on multiple platforms. It’s currently limited to Python 3.6 and Django 2.2 since those are the versions that run under Cosmopolitan, but I expect we’ll see more recent versions of those dependencies in the future. # 24th February 2023, 12:52 am

Using Datasette in GitHub Codespaces. A new Datasette tutorial showing how it can be run inside GitHub Codespaces—GitHub’s browser-based development environments—in order to explore and analyze data. I’ve been using Codespaces to run tutorials recently and it’s absolutely fantastic, because it puts every tutorial attendee on a level playing field with respect to their development environments. # 24th February 2023, 12:40 am

ControlNet (via) A spectacular step forward in image generation—using “conditional control” to control models like Stable Diffusion. The README here is full of examples of what this enables. Extremely finely grained control of generated images based on a sketch, or in input image—including tricks like using Canny edge detection (an algorithm from 1986) to convert any image into an outline which can then be used as input to the model. # 22nd February 2023, 5:45 pm

FlexGen (via) This looks like a very big deal. FlexGen is a paper and accompanying code that massively reduces the resources needed to run some of the current top performing open source GPT-style large language models. People on Hacker News report being able to use it to run models like opt-30b on their own hardware, and it looks like it opens up the possibility of running even larger models on hardware available outside of dedicated research labs. # 21st February 2023, 6:41 pm


