Simon Willison’s Weblog


Friday, 4th October 2024

Hybrid full-text search and vector search with SQLite. As part of Alex’s work on his sqlite-vec SQLite extension - adding fast vector lookups to SQLite - he’s been investigating hybrid search, where search results from both vector similarity and traditional full-text search are combined together.

The most promising approach looks to be Reciprocal Rank Fusion, which combines the top ranked items from both approaches. Here’s Alex’s SQL query:

-- the sqlite-vec KNN vector search results
with vec_matches as (
    row_number() over (order by distance) as rank_number,
  from vec_articles
    headline_embedding match lembed(:query)
    and k = :k
-- the FTS5 search results
fts_matches as (
    row_number() over (order by rank) as rank_number,
    rank as score
  from fts_articles
  where headline match :query
  limit :k
-- combine FTS5 + vector search results with RRF
final as (
    vec_matches.rank_number as vec_rank,
    fts_matches.rank_number as fts_rank,
    -- RRF algorithm
      coalesce(1.0 / (:rrf_k + fts_matches.rank_number), 0.0) * :weight_fts +
      coalesce(1.0 / (:rrf_k + vec_matches.rank_number), 0.0) * :weight_vec
    ) as combined_rank,
    vec_matches.distance as vec_distance,
    fts_matches.score as fts_score
  from fts_matches
  full outer join vec_matches on vec_matches.article_id = fts_matches.rowid
  join articles on articles.rowid = coalesce(fts_matches.rowid, vec_matches.article_id)
  order by combined_rank desc
select * from final;

I’ve been puzzled in the past over how to best do that because the distance scores from vector similarity and the relevance scores from FTS are meaningless in comparison to each other. RRF doesn’t even attempt to compare them - it uses them purely for row_number() ranking within each set and combines the results based on that.

# 4:22 pm / full-text-search, search, sql, sqlite, alex-garcia, vector-search, embeddings, rag

Database Remote-Copy Tool For SQLite (draft) (via) Neat new SQLite utilities often show up in branches of the SQLite repository. Here's a new one from last month: sqlite3-rsync, providing tools for efficiently creating and updating copies of WAL-mode SQLite databases on either the same machine or across remote machines via SSH.

The way it works is neat, inspired by rsync (hence the tool's name):

The protocol is for the replica to send a cryptographic hash of each of its pages over to the origin side, then the origin sends back the complete content of any page for which the hash does not match.

SQLite's default page size is 4096 bytes and a hash is 20 bytes, so if nothing has changed then the client will transmit 0.5% of the database size in hashes and get nothing back in return.

The tool takes full advantage of SQLite's WAL mode - when you run it you'll get an exact snapshot of the database state as it existed at the moment the copy was initiated, even if the source database continues to apply changes.

I wrote up a TIL on how to compile it - short version:

cd /tmp
git clone
cd sqlite
git checkout sqlite3-rsync
make sqlite3.c
cd tool
gcc -o sqlite3-rsync sqlite3-rsync.c ../sqlite3.c -DSQLITE_ENABLE_DBPAGE_VTAB
./sqlite3-rsync --help

Something I’ve worried about in the past is that if I want to make a snapshot backup of a SQLite database I need enough additional free disk space to entirely duplicate the current database first (using the backup mechanism or VACUUM INTO). This tool fixes that - I don’t need any extra disk space at all, since the pages that have been updated will be transmitted directly over the wire in 4096 byte chunks.

I tried feeding the 1800 lines of C through OpenAI’s o1-preview with the prompt “Explain the protocol over SSH part of this” and got a pretty great high level explanation.

# 8:57 pm / c, sqlite, o1

2024 » October
