Simon Willison’s Weblog


Monday, 12th August 2024

SQL Injection Isn’t Dead: Smuggling Queries at the Protocol Level (via) PDF slides from a presentation by Paul Gerste at DEF CON 32. It turns out some databases have vulnerabilities in their binary protocols that can be exploited by carefully crafted SQL queries.

Paul demonstrates an attack against PostgreSQL (which works in some but not all of the PostgreSQL client libraries) which uses a message size overflow, by embedding a string longer than 4GB (2**32 bytes) which overflows the maximum length of a string in the underlying protocol and writes data to the subsequent value. He then shows a similar attack against MongoDB.

The current way to protect against these attacks is to ensure a size limit on incoming requests. This can be more difficult than you may expect - Paul points out that alternative paths such as WebSockets might bypass limits that are in place for regular HTTP requests, plus some servers may apply limits before decompression, allowing an attacker to send a compressed payload that is larger than the configured limit.

How Web Apps Handle Large Payloads. Potential bypasses: - Unprotected endpoints - Compression - WebSockets (highlighted) - Alternate body types - Incrementation.  Next to WebSockets:  - Compression support - Large message size - Many filters don't apply

# 3:36 pm / http, mongodb, postgresql, security, sql-injection, websockets

But [LLM assisted programming] does make me wonder whether the adoption of these tools will lead to a form of de-skilling. Not even that programmers will be less skilled, but that the job will drift from the perception and dynamics of a skilled trade to an unskilled trade, with the attendant change - decrease - in pay. Instead of hiring a team of engineers who try to write something of quality and try to load the mental model of what they're building into their heads, companies will just hire a lot of prompt engineers and, who knows, generate 5 versions of the application and A/B test them all across their users.

Tom MacWright

# 8:17 pm / ai, tom-macwright, generative-ai, llms, ai-assisted-programming

We had to exclude [dead] and eventually even just [flagged] posts from the public API because many third-party clients and sites were displaying them as if they were regular posts. […]

IMO this issue is existential for HN. We've spent years and so much energy trying to find a balance between openness and human decency, a task which oscillates between barely-possible and simply-doomed, so the idea that anybody anywhere sees anything labeled "Hacker News" that pours all the toxic waste back into the ecosystem is physically painful to me.


# 10:04 pm / hacker-news, moderation