Simon Willison’s Weblog


Thursday, 19th March 2009

Streams, affordances, Facebook, and rounding errors. I asked Kellan about scaling activity streams the other day. Here he suggests the best technique is not to promise a perfect stream (like Twitter does)—Facebook used to get away with 80% loss of update messages, but their new redesign has changed the contract with their users.

# 2:02 pm / facebook, activitystreams, scaling, twitter, kellan-elliott-mccrea

Parrot 1.0.0 “Haru Tatsu” Released! Parrot hits 1.0! Anyone know how complete Pynie, the Python implementation on top of Parrot is?

# 3:17 pm / parrot, python, pynie

Pwn2Own trifecta: Hacker exploits IE8, Firefox, Safari. You just can’t trust browser security: Current versions of Safari, IE8 and Firefox all fell to zero-day flaws at an exploit competition. None of the vulnerabilities have been disclosed yet.

# 3:30 pm / pwn2own, browsers, security, firefox, safari, ie, ie8

Building Fast Client-side Searches. Flickr now lazily loads your entire contact list in to memory for auto-completion. Extensive benchmarking found that a control character delimited string was the fastest option for shipping thousands of contacts around as quickly as possible.

# 3:35 pm / flickr, javascript, autocomplete, ajax, json

We are facing an economic crisis that is within our capacity to solve, and an ecological crisis that we lack the political means to prevent. It's only by failing at the former that we might have a chance at surviving the latter.

Maciej Cegłowski

# 4:11 pm / maciej-ceglowski, climatechange, economics, politics

Future roadmap for mod_wsgi. mod_wsgi 3.0 isn’t too far off, and will include Python 3.0 support, WSGI application preloading and internal web server redirection (similar to nginx X-Accel-Redirect). Version 4.0 plans a major architectural change that will allow multiple versions of Python to be run from the same Apache.

# 5:27 pm / apache, modwsgi, graham-dumpleton, wsgi, python, nginx

2009 » March
