Simon Willison’s Weblog


Tuesday, 28th July 2009

Fabric, Django, Git, Apache, mod_wsgi, virtualenv and pip deployment. I’m slowly working my way through this stack at the moment—next stop, fabric.

# 11:56 am / fabric, virtualenv, django, python, git, apache, modwsgi, gareth-rushgrove, pip, deployment, wsgi

NASA NEBULA Services (via) NASA’s new NEBULA cloud computing platform appears to be built entirely on open source infrastructure, including Python, Django, Fabric, Eucalyptus, RabbitMQ, Trac and Solr.

# 12:10 pm / fabric, eucalyptus, nasa, django, open-source, cloud-computing, nebula, python, rabbitmq, solr, trac

My Sys-Con Nightmare. This is just ridiculous. Don’t speak at or attend Sys-Con conferences (which include AJAXWorld, the Cloud Computing Expo and Ajax in the Cloud), don’t write for or buy their journals (including AJAXWorld Magazine, JDJ and .NET Developer’s Journal), and don’t visit or advertise on any of their sites.

# 12:39 pm / ajaxworld, aral-balkan, boycott, syscon

JSONP Memory Leak. Neil Fraser advocates iterating over and deleting every property on a JSONP script DOM node after you removeChild it from the DOM, to protect against memory leaks of “in excess of 15 MB per hour”.

# 12:46 pm / jsonp, neil-fraser, javascript, memoreleaks

Hack Day tools for non-developers

We’re about to run our second internal hack day at the Guardian. The first was an enormous amount of fun and the second one looks set to be even more productive.

[... 920 words]

2009 » July
