Simon Willison’s Weblog


Friday, 25th January 2008

Community sites on Django People. Small new feature: I can now add community sites to individual country pages. If you know of any regional community sites that I’ve missed, let me know in a comment or by e-mail.

# 12:40 am / django-people, community, brazil, python, django

Usability Disaster Story. A strange combination of usability oddities culminated in 95% of visitors to the Mono website downloading a two year old version by mistake.

# 6:36 am / mono, usability, miguel-de-icaza

In a recent [ASP.NET] MVC design meeting someone said something like "we'll need a Repeater control" and a powerful and very technical boss-type said: "We've got a repeater control, it's called a foreach loop."

Scott Hanselman

# 6:59 am / aspnet, aspnetmvc, microsoft, scott-hanselman

Symfonians (via) Similar concept to Django People but for Symfony developers—coincidentally launched within the past week as well.

# 4:15 pm / symfony, community, php, django-people