Simon Willison’s Weblog


Thursday, 10th August 2006

On the total nondisclosure of the 8/9/06 [Rails] security vulnerability. The best argument I’ve seen in favour of full disclosure.

# 2:53 pm / rails, disclosure, security

Schneier on Security: New Airline Security Rules. “I’m sure glad I’m not flying anywhere this week” says Bruce. Now I wish I wasn’t!

# 4:26 pm / bruce-schneier, security, airlines

Release: Unobtrusive Javascript For Rails 0.2. RJS kind of sucks. This looks like it doesn’t.

# 4:30 pm

upcalendar. Aaron’s Python S60 app for syncing Upcoming with your phone.

# 5:36 pm

Rails 1.1.6, backports, and full disclosure. Fixes a left over problem from 1.1.5.

# 7:20 pm

Hot PHP UTF-8 tips. Always good to have.

# 7:32 pm

zefrank: don’t be afraid. Terrorists levarage our inability to understand risk.

# 11:11 pm

2006 » August
