Simon Willison’s Weblog


February 2005

Feb. 25, 2005

Jeffrey Veen: Google Maps in Safari. They’ve got it working already. Will Opera be next?

# 8:09 am

The hamster powered MIDI sequencer (via) The music generated is surprisingly listenable!

# 1:28 pm

Google Maps is available for Safari and Opera. Colour me impressed! OK guys, let’s see you do Lynx...

# 7:59 pm

Feb. 26, 2005

flickReplacr bookmarklet. Fun toy, and a good example of how to access browser selections.

# 11:47 am

Feb. 27, 2005

Wiki Spam Update. Sam Ruby suggests blocking changes that add 10 or more new links.

# 5:18 pm

Feb. 28, 2005

A day in the life of a BBC promo. A peak behind the scenes of the BBC homepage editorial process.

# 12:39 am Sweet, sweet nostalgia. The best children’s TV show ever.

# 8:58 pm

Walking tour of Keene: followup. Injecting new data in to Google Maps using bookmarklets.

# 9:58 pm

2005 » February
