Simon Willison’s Weblog


Wednesday, 23rd February 2005

Fun with Google Maps. My writeup of the latest developments.

# 2:04 am

Leaked republican strategy briefing. Fascinating insight in to how American politics really works.

# 3:11 pm

A GIS newsletter describes the server-side tech behind Google Maps (via) Apparently it’s using Telcontar’s Drill Down Server, with extensive customisations.

# 4:11 pm

iPod—Compare Models. Make sense of the newly updated iPod range.

# 4:30 pm

What have you guys been doing since IE6? (via) With regards to rendering, the answer appears to be “not a lot”.

# 5:44 pm

Using DockSend in Transmit 3. This plus column view means I’ll be buying my copy shortly.

# 11:54 pm