Simon Willison’s Weblog


Wednesday, 9th June 2004

Backporting from Python 2.3 to Python 2.2

We have a home-grown templating system at work, which I intend to dedicate an entry to some time in the future. We originally wrote it in Python 2.2, but upgraded to Python 2.3 a while ago and have since been evolving our code in that environment. Today I found a need to load the most recent version of our templating system on to a small, long neglected application that had been running the original version ever since it had enough features to be usable.

[... 356 words]

WaSP Survey (via) Tell us how to help you!

# 5:10 am / surveys, web-standards-project Perform ’natural order’ comparisons of strings in python.

# 5:55 am

Playing With Time: Gallery (via) A fantastic collection of movies showing slow things happening fast and fast things happening slowly.

# 6 am

Douglas County Fair Demolition Derby. Without this, my year in the US just wouldn’t be complete.

# 6:01 am

gzip: well, sometimes it’s simple. Finally a clear explanation of BlogSpot’s weird junk character problem in FireFox.

# 8:02 am

WHAT’s going on? In which I attempt to make some sense of the recent formation of the WHAT WG.

# 8:48 am

Implementation issues with DHTML behaviors (via) Interesting post by Dean Edwards to the WHAT WG mailing list.

# 9:10 am

Against Search Engine Optimisers... Tom Coates on SEO, a year ago.

# 3:40 pm Examples : Bending the Matrix (via) That’s some pretty crazy image replacement!

# 3:43 pm even more fun with subdomains (via) “As of today, in an attempt to pollute subdomainspace even further...”

# 3:48 pm

Small Values of Cool: 5250 fans aren’t Luddutes. Serious data entry clerks and mice just don’t mix.

# 3:55 pm

Mozilla Firefox 0.9 Release Notes. I just installed 0.9 RC 1 on my Mac. It’s prettier than 0.8.

# 8:08 pm / mozilla, firefox

WHAT’s Next. More WHAT punnage, with thoughts from Dave Shea.

# 8:30 pm

2004 » June
