Simon Willison’s Weblog


Friday, 6th September 2002


Adrian Holovaty in a blogite thread about features that can be added to blogs:

[... 151 words]

Pingback test

Aquarionics is now PingBack enabled, and he implemented it using IXR. Yay!

Leonard’s Mozilla links

Leonard Lin has blogged a whole bunch of useful Mozilla links. He also has this to say about mouse gestures:

[... 109 words]

Google cooking

Google cooking (via Kottke). This is going to be very useful when I get back to uni.

Why Scott needs Mozilla

Judging by the screenshot on this page, Scott really needs Mozilla :) I’m currently running Windows XP on a Pentium II with 128 MB of RAM but thanks to Mozilla’s tabbed browsing I have over 20 web pages open and my machine isn’t breaking a sweat (and that’s in addition to Eudora and mySQLFront). Best of all, my task bar stays nice and tidy as it only shows one instance of Mozilla. I know Scott’s itching to switch already so I’ll teasingly remind him that Mozilla can have multiple windows each with multiple tabs—so you can have a single window with a collection of sites for each item you are currently researching. More tabbed browsing advocacy from Dave Hyatt right here.

Mark blogs RSS

There’s enough RSS discussion floating about right now to make one’s head spin. Thank Goodness then for Mark Pilgrim, who yesterday posted an excellent explanation of RSS 2.0, and today followed it up with both a hugely informative History of the RSS Fork and a concise summary of the cases for deprecating some of the existing RSS 0.94 elements in the upgrade to RSS 2.0, which seems to be one of the biggest talking points in the RSS community at the moment. I can’t say I’ve quite figured RSS out yet but thanks to Mark’s tireless commentary I fell a lot more informed than I was yesterday morning.

2002 » September
