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Atom feed for silverlight

15 posts tagged “silverlight”


Plupload (via) Fantastic new open source project from the team behind TinyMCE. Plupload offers a cross-browser JavaScript File uploading API that handles multiple file uploads, client-side progress meters, type filtering and even client-side image resizing and drag-and-drop from the desktop. It achieves all of this by providing backends for Flash, Silverlight, Google Gears, HTML5 and Browserplus and picking the most capable available option.

# 10th February 2010, 12:53 pm / plupload, tinymce, uploads, flash, silverlight, html5, gears, browserplus, javascript


Let's try to imagine what a Google Silverlight would have been. It would have been a fully open source product from Google, with a very liberal open source license (BSD or Apache). It would have all the technical specifications published openly. They would pledge to have the Silverlight VM interoperate with Javascript and HTML5. And a company like Zoho would have a ton of developers working on Google Silverlight based applications by now - as opposed to having exactly ZERO developers working on Microsoft Silverlight.

Sridhar Vembu

# 7th June 2009, 11:32 am / open-source, google, microsoft, silverlight, zoho, sridharvembu


What the Heck is the Open Web? Brad Neuberg is seeking a two sentence definition. Bonus points for answering the following: “If Adobe were to open source Flex/Flash, or Microsoft Silverlight, would that be the Open Web? If so, why? If not, why not?”

# 22nd July 2008, 1:33 am / brad-neuberg, openweb, open-source, flash, flex, silverlight

From my perspective, it is crucial for Linux to have good support for Silverlight because I do not want Linux on the desktop to become a second class citizen ever again. [...] The core of the debate is whether Microsoft will succeed in establishing Silverlight as a RIA platform or not. You believe that without Moonlight they would not have a chance of success, and I believe that they would have regardless of us.

Miguel de Icaza

# 4th January 2008, 12:42 pm / miguel-de-icaza, roberto-callahan, silverlight, moonlight, microsoft, open-source, linux, ria

The Dark Side Of The Moon (via) Robert O’Callahan believes that Moonlight is a strategic mistake, because it gives credibility to Microsoft’s entry to a new market which they will use to “keep the competition on a treadmill”; Moonlight can also never be entirely free due to the need for a proprietary codec (VC-1) available only as a binary blob.

# 4th January 2008, 12:41 pm / moonlight, roberto-callahan, miguel-de-icaza, silverlight, microsoft, open-source, wc1, codecs, video, binaryblob


Questioning Steve Ballmer

This morning I attended a half day briefing at Microsoft UK entitled “The Online Opportunity—What Makes a Successful Web 2.0 Start-Up?”. Despite the buzzword laden title the event was well worth the trip up from Brighton, mainly due to the Q&A with Steve Ballmer (a pretty rare opportunity).

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Halo 3 Site Demonstrates Flaws in SilverLight. The Halo 3 “interactive manual” is like a throwback to Flash in the late 90s—“skip intro”, pointless transitions, text you can’t select or enlarge, links that aren’t links—all wrapped up in an ugly blob (only this time it’s XML instead of binary data).

# 27th September 2007, 2:38 pm / halo3, microsoft, flash, usability, silverlight

H.264 support coming to the Flash player. It looks like this is a response to the higher video quality offered by Silverlight. I wonder if YouTube knew about this when they started transcoding their videos to H.264 for the Apple TV and iPhone.

# 21st August 2007, 8:28 am / flash, h264, silverlight, iphone, youtube, video, adobe, microsoft, appletv

Implementing Silverlight in 21 Days. Absolutely incredible feat of software engineering by Miguel de Icaza and the Moonlight team.

# 21st June 2007, 11:10 am / moonlight, miguel-de-icaza, silverlight, mono, open-source

[...] Silverlight has full access to the browser DOM and you can make calls from Javascript into silverlight code and from Silverlight into Javascript. This means that you can already write the presentation layer of a client side web app in Javascript and implement your business logic in IronPython.

Michael Foord

# 16th June 2007, 12:25 am / ironpython, javascript, silverlight, fuzzyman, michael-foord

The web can eat toolchain bait like this for breakfast.

Mike Shaver

# 11th May 2007, 3:43 pm / mike-shaver, apollo, flash, silverlight, mozilla

Microsoft’s XUL. My take on XAML from back in 2003 seems strangely relevant.

# 4th May 2007, 11:40 pm / microsoft, xul, xaml, silverlight

Inline SVG in MSIE. Sam Ruby has a neat proof of concept that converts inline SVG (currently only the path element) to the Silverlight equivalent.

# 4th May 2007, 7:29 pm / svg, sam-ruby, silverlight

Silly season. Mark expresses exactly what I’ve been thinking. The fawning over Silverlight and Apollo is incredibly short sighted.

# 2nd May 2007, 8:29 pm / silverlight, apollo, mark-pilgrim

Dell to Offer Ubuntu. That right there is why I find Flex more interesting than Silverlight.

# 1st May 2007, 6:39 pm / dell, ubuntu, flash, flex, silverlight, linux