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5 posts tagged “richard-crowley”


You should have lots of AWS accounts (via) Richard Crowley makes the case for maintaining multiple AWS accounts within a single company, because “AWS accounts are the most complete form of isolation on offer”.

# 3rd October 2022, 6:36 pm / richard-crowley, aws, security


BashReduce. Map/Reduce in Bash is no longer a joke project (if it ever was)—Richard Crowley is extending it and using it for analysis at OpenDNS.

# 28th June 2009, 3:03 pm / mapreduce, bash, bashreduce, richard-crowley, opendns

[Drizzle] won’t be a get-out-of-jail-free card for very write-heavy applications but I bet it will do wonders for heavily replicated, heavily federated, read-heavy architectures (you know, normal stuff).

Richard Crowley

# 8th March 2009, 6:05 pm / richard-crowley, drizzle, mysql, databases, replication


PownceFS. Not a joke: it’s a Fuse filesystem (written in Python, using OAuth for authentication) which exposes a directory for each of your friends on Pownce containing the files that they have uploaded.

# 22nd March 2008, 11:18 pm / pownce, python, oauth, fuse, powncefs, richard-crowley