Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for remy-sharp

3 posts tagged “remy-sharp”


jq recipes. Remy Sharp’s handy collection of jq recipes, each one linking to an interactive demo on I thought jq was just for extracting values from a JSON document—I hadn’t realized how powerful it was for modifying and extending those documents as well.

# 22nd August 2018, 3:23 pm / remy-sharp, json, jq


Audio Sprites (and fixes for iOS). Remy Sharp on the limitations of HTML5 audio support in iOS.

# 23rd December 2010, 8:04 pm / audio, html5, ios, remy-sharp, recovered

What is a Polyfill? Useful new term: a Polyfill is “a shim that mimics a future API providing fallback functionality to older browsers”.

# 9th October 2010, 11:48 am / browsers, polyfill, remy-sharp, recovered