Simon Willison’s Weblog

Atom feed for oreilly

4 posts tagged “oreilly”


Sharing My Location Just the Way I Like It. Fire Eagle gets a great write-up from Brady Forrest over on the O’Reilly Radar.

# 31st March 2008, 8:34 pm / oreilly, oreillyradar, fireeagle, location, wikinear, brady-forrest

Dangers of remote Javascript. got hit by a JavaScript porn redirect when the domain of one of their advertisers expired and was bought by a porn company. Nat Torkington suggests keeping track of the expiration dates on any third party domains that are serving JavaScript on your site.

# 20th January 2008, 9:49 am / perldotcom, oreilly, nat-torkington, javascript, security, domains, xss


Introduction to Neogeography (via) Having run in to Andrew Turner at last year’s EuroOSCON, this is the first O’Reilly Short Cuts PDF that I’ve been seriously tempted to buy.

# 27th January 2007, 12:09 am / eurooscon, andrew-turner, oreilly, mapping, neogeography


Giving away the index

My final year project is due in two weeks, and I’m going to be running on silent for most of them. I have, however, upgraded to Tiger and playing with Spotlight has given me plenty to think about.

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