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4 posts tagged “gpl”


Twenty questions about the GPL. Jacob kicks off a fascinating discussion about GPLv3.

# 13th July 2009, 11:59 pm / gpl, gpl3, jacob-kaplan-moss, open-source, licenses

EveryBlock source code released. EveryBlock’s Knight Foundation grant required them to release the source code after two years, under the GPL. Lots of neat Django / PostgreSQL / GIS tricks to be found within.

# 1st July 2009, 8:01 pm / gis, postgresql, django, everyblock, python, open-source, gpl

Ext Core 3.0 Beta Released. The Ext JavaScript team have just released the core library (similar to jQuery or Prototype) under an MIT license. The rich GUI elements that go on top are still under the GPL.

# 5th April 2009, 8:17 pm / mit, extjs, javascript, extcore, gpl, licensing, open-source


VirtualBox. GPL licensed virtualization software; they recently released an OS X version.

# 8th May 2007, 9:35 pm / virtualization, virtualbox, open-source, gpl